Create a client website that explores your favourite author

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132868740

Client Website Assignment


You are required to create a Client Website that explores your favourite author or film star as your basis. The content should also be supported by images/video/additional text that help explain and showcase your work.

Marking Scheme (Sliding Scale)




Correct Use of HTML Structural tags


At Least 3 LINKED pages


Appropriate Folder and File Names


Correct use of CSS id, Class and Tag Rules



Dynamic Features (e.g., Picture Change, Colour Change, Text Change,



Content Loading when page is first loaded (Text, Pictures, Media Etc)



Professional looking, well designed





Any additional JS code or CSS design techniques not taught in class (Use of online tutorials) that are relevant and appropriate: This must be highlighted in comments with reference to where

you got the code




PLEASE NOTE that emphasis has been put on the design and implementation of your web application. Taking time to design and implement good CSS will result in a much more aesthetically pleasing final product.

Also note that any additional code that you have researched yourself (and has not been used before) will result in additional credit as detailed above.

Attachment:- Client Website.rar

Reference no: EM132868740

Questions Cloud

What is existentialism : In what way did this help us understand the narrative? What does this story tell us about human compassion? What is existentialism?
Leader is part of team or organization : Sometimes a leader's style doesn't fit any of the examples we have explored. When a non-leader is a part of a team or organization,
What are your short term career plans : What are your short term career plans and how will the Pepperdine degree help you reach your long term goals?
Importance of innovation in the survival : Discuss the importance of innovation in the survival and success of a business.
Create a client website that explores your favourite author : Create a Client Website that explores your favourite author or film star as your basis. The content should also be supported by images/video/additional text
Advised on economic policy : The President of Bartavia is being advised on economic policy by you, his economic advisor. Assume that Bartavia is very close to the full employment level
How much is the net distributable estate : The decedent was married at the time of death. Property owned jointly, including family home of P2,700,000. How much is the net distributable estate
Type of culture change : How do you think this type of culture change was introduced to the employees of JA Counter? If you were leading this culture change,
How much is the sales price of the order : No allowance for rework is included in the budgeted overhead. If Surefire wants to maintain a 30% s profit rate, how much is the sales price of the order


Write a Review

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Since the vast majority of web-development projects involve a database, do you think that computational activities should be performed there, or do you think they belong in the XML page or stylesheet?

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  Explanation of contextual links

The most powerful hypertext capabilities is the the contextual link. Wikipedia . com is a great example of a site that utilizes contextual links.

  How architectural and protocol changes occur

Discuss how architectural and protocol changes happen, the administrative organization that oversees the technical development of the Internet,

  Traditional approaches for training professionals

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  Internet for business

Discuss how can a business use the Internet and give at least three examples with web links demonstrating your answer.

  It influences the behavior of organizations

Information technology influences the behavior of organizations. Name one effect of Information technology implementation and long-term usage you suppose having a positive contribution and one having a negative consequence.

  Importance of a guided navigation system

Explain the use and importance of a guided navigation system and shopping cart for a website designed for e-commerce and business purpose.

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