Create a class called studentquizscores

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131917279


On your flash drive or on your home PC create a folder called A03. Note: you may save your workspace anywhere you want (PC, flash drive, etc). Now do the following programming problem using DrJava:

Within DrJava, create a class called StudentQuizScores and do the following using a loop.

1. You program will read in a student's first name. The same will be done for the student's last name. Your program will use respective methods (described below) to accomplish this.

2. Your program will then read in three quiz scores, respectively. This should be done by using the same method three times.

3. Your program will then calculate the average of these three quiz scores. This will be obtained from a method.

4. A string will be built that will have information about the student (their name, their three quiz scores, and their average for these quiz scores). This string will be built within a particular method.

5. In the main method, your program should display this string using a JOptionPane.

6. Your program should then generate a number between 1 and 3 (this can be done within the main method).

7. Using the newly generated number, determine which quiz score should be changed. Then call upon the proper method.

8. Again, your program will then calculate the average of these three quiz scores. This will be obtained from a method.

9. Again, a string will be built that will have information about the student (their name, their three quiz scores, and their average for these quiz scores). This string will be built within a particular method.

10. Again, in the main method your program should display this string using a JOptionPane.

11. Finally, use a method to prompt the user to see if they wish to exit the program. Use the returned value from this method to determine whether your program should exit.

12. If the user does not want to exit the program, then repeat steps 1 through 11 for another student.

13. If the user does want to exit the program, then display "This program was written by ". In this window also have (on a separate line) the string "End of program." Finally, in this same window have a title in the upper left-hand corner that says "Goodbye". Do this using a JOptionPane.

14. Appropriate comments must be used in this program where applicable.

No prompting should be done within the main method. Rather they should be done within any respective method. Here are the methods that your program must use in your program:

• String getFirstName() no parameters are received; will return the student's first name

• String getLastName() no parameters are received; will return the student's last name

• intgetScore() no parameters are received; will return a quiz score (between the value of 0 and 100)

• double getScoreAverage(int s1, int s2, int s3) will receive three integer parameters; will return the average of the three quiz scores

• String buildString(String fName, String lName, int s1, int s2, int s3, double avg) will receive six parameters; will return a string that will be built from these six parameters; you should use an object from the DecimalFormat class to format the average of the quiz scores

• booleanexitProgram() no parameters are received; will return either the boolean value true or the boolean false depending on whether the user wants to exit the program

• intnewScore(intchangeScore, int score) will receive two parameters (first parameter will determine which quiz score needs to be changed, the second parameter will be quiz score that will be changed); the new quiz score will be returned A.

Make sure that you import the classes JOptionPane, Random, and DecimalFormat, respectively, into your program B. Do not forget to prompt the user where appropriate.

Reference no: EM131917279

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