Create a class called employee

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13754885

Create a class called Employee that has the following attributes:

• Employee ID of type String
• First name of type String
• Last name of type String
• Job Position of type String
• Fulltime of type Boolean
• AnnualSalary of type double
• WeeklySalary of type float

For each of the attributes above create setter and getter methods. The WeeklySalary should be calculated by dividing AnnualSalary by 52.

Create a separate test class (EmployeeTest) with the main method and within the test class that instantiates2completely separate employees and demonstrates that the setter and getter methods are working.

Finally, either overload the toString method of Employee or create a separate Employee display method to print out your employee information.

Reference no: EM13754885

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