Reference no: EM131163088
Researchers and theorists suggest that the skills and techniques of a MNC are very different than those of an organization without a global presence. Create a chart comparing and contrasting the skills and techniques of a manager in MNC vs. a manager in an organization that does not have a global presence. In a narrative following your chart, discuss your findings suggesting the management approach that you believe is most relevant for an MNC manager.
Your chart plus subsequent narrative should be 4-5, non-double spaced pages in length and should be supported by a minimum of three academic sources, with using at least one of the citings below:
• Cummings, S., & Bridgman, T. (2011). The Relevant Past: Why the History of Management Should Be Critical for Our Future. Academy Of Management Learning & Education, 10(1), 77-93. doi:10.5465/AMLE.2011.59513274
• Mintzberg, H. (2013). Simply Managing. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers. (Read Chapter 1: Managing beyond the myths: What management is and isn't; Chapter 6: Managing effectively: Getting to the essence of managing.)
• Pryor, M. G., Humphreys, J. H., Taneja, S., & Toombs, L. A. (2011). Where are the new organization theories? Evolution, development and theoretical debate. International Journal of Management, 28(3), 959-978.
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