Reference no: EM133344521
Case: Students will create a case summary as if they were drafting it for a manager or executive. Each student will be assigned a legal case from the text or from public documents. These will be posted to Canvas.
The students will be required to:
• Summarize the situation in written form
• Describe the arguments used from both sides with key points detailed
• Explain what side you feel is correct and why
• Suggest actions that you, as a manager, could have taken to prevent this situation from occurring; greater detail is encouraged
• This is meant to be an executive document, so look and feel is important
• Maximum length is 3 pages! Anything over 4 pages will not be marked.
• Each assignment must be in Word or PDF format and posted to Canvas
1. Summary Statement
Brief summary of the case - state the issue.
Summarize the situation in written form
2. Legal Arguments
The controlling rule of law or ‘head(s) of law' to be argued.
Describe the arguments used from both sides with key points detailed
3. Analyze the Facts
Consider the facts in light of the law, which side is correct and why.
Explain what side you feel is correct and why
4. Risk Mitigation
Conclude with actions which could have been taken to prevent this situation from occurring.
Suggest actions that you, as a manager, could have taken to prevent this situation from occurring; greater detail is encouraged
Chapter 9 -Ideas and Information
1. Parker v. Key Porter Books Ltd. (2005) 40 C.P.R. (4th) 80 (ON S.C.)
2. Robertson v Thomson Corp. 2006, 274 D.L.R. (4th) 138; [2006] 2 SCR 363; 2006 SCC 43 (CanLII)
3. Halford v. Seed Hawk Inc. 2006 FCA 275 (CanLII) 275 D.L.R. (4th) 556; 54 C.P.R. (4th) 130 (F.C.A.)
4. Hermes Canada Inc. v. Henry High Class Kelly Retail Store 2004 BCSC 1694 (CanLII) (2004) 37 C.P.R.
5. General Motors of Canada v. Décarie Motors Inc., [2001] 1 FCR 665; 2000 CanLII 16083 (FCA)
6. York University v. Bell Canada Enterprises 2009 CanLII 46447 (ON S.C.)