Create a case study on coke

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM131730700

Company Selected : Coke ( Beverage brand)

For the final project, you will create a case study based on a company of your choice. The case study should include at least 6 of the concepts that we have discussed in this course. The case study should be a minimum of 8 pages in length; not including the title page and reference page. The case study should also include at least 5 sources; these should be scholarly sources.

Submit an 8-page case study, using the writing template, and a minimum of 5 references.

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The study has carried out an analysis of the economic and marketing conditions of the beverage industry, Coke. The pricing strategies, managerial decision, import and export spending along with consumer behaviour have been analysed. The evidence presented in the study clearly states that Coke has been economically successful in its implementation of pricing strategies. However, it failed in market research and inappropriately assumed customer behaviour. Though the organisation had been successful in its global sales and customer retention, it needs to foster more on market research and improve its market analysis capabilities.The paper has been prepared in a word document.

Reference no: EM131730700

Questions Cloud

What challenges you perceive in establishing hr department : What are challenges you perceive in establishing HR department in AlBaik as HR Manager. What could be Integrative Perspective on Employee Benefits at AlBaik.
What experiences support or justify this belief : State reasons, according to the text reading, why you embrace this belief. What experiences support or justify this belief?
Translate the information in to the appropriate : Analyze the documentation and translate the information in to the appropriate ICD-10-PCS root operation
List 4 things that can help maintain a good business : 1. List 4 things that can help maintain a good business relationship. 2. How can conflict be avoided to maintain a good relationship?
Create a case study on coke : Create a case study based on a company of your choice. The case study should include at least 6 of the concepts that we have discussed in this course
Develop five point criteria for evaluating the effectiveness : Develop a five point criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the talent management strategy and how the data could be collected.
Discuss the differences in leadership and followership style : Discuss the differences in leadership and followership styles as they relate to gender. Are there differences leading and managing employees
Good speeches contain accurate : What are the different kinds of support material speeches can contain?
What attachment styles characterize adults : What attachment styles characterize adults, and how they are linked to relationships outcomes



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12/23/2017 4:29:56 AM

There is no fixed writing template but you need to use at least 6 concepts to support the case study , Use of more concepts would be appreciated, Also provide the pricing strategy with 1st degree 2nd degree and 3rd degree price discrimination, Please also add this in the solution don't forget to add this in the solution. Many thanks i am waiting for the solution of this assignment before my deadline.


11/20/2017 6:09:32 AM

Please read the file carefully , coke is the company , include graphs and everything, make sure its best - Submit an 8-page case study, using the writing template, and a minimum of 5 references. Company Selected : Coke ( Beverage brand) Concepts taught are mentioned below in table .

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