Create a c-sharp console application

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM132107365

This program will use C# and LINQ to iterate files, to query, group and order data, and to create an XML document based on that data Implementation

You must follow these implementation guidelines:

1. Create a C# console application. This application has two command line arguments: A path to a folder and a name for a HTML report output file. The application collects all files with the same extension (converted to lower case) and determines for each extension, i.e. file type, the number of files and the total size of all files of this type

2. Implement a class with the following 4 static functions:

static IEnumerable EnumerateFilesRecursively(string path) Enumerate all files in a given folder recursively including the entire sub-folder hierarchy. You can use System.IO.Directory. Use the generator pattern (yield keyword) to implement the iterator.

static string FormatByteSize(long byteSize) Format a byte size in human readable form. Use the following units: B, kB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, and ZB where 1kB = 1000B. The numerical value should be greater or equal to 1, less than 1000 and formatted with 2 fixed digits after the decimal point, e.g. 1.30kB.

static XDocument CreateReport(IEnumerable files) Create a HTML document containing a table with three columns: "Type", "Count", and "Size" for the file name extension (converted to lower case), the number of files with this type, and the total size of all files with this type, respectively.

You can use System.IO.FileInfoto get the size of a file with a given path. Sort the table by the byte size value of the "Size" column in descending order.

Use your FormatByteSize function to format the value printed in the "Size" column. Implement this function using LINQ queries making use of group by and orderby. Use theSystem.Xml.Linq.XElement constructor to functionally construct the XML document.

public static void Main(string[] args) Take two command line arguments. The first value is the path of the input folder and the second the path of the HTML report output file. Call the functions above to create the report file.

Reference no: EM132107365

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