Create a c# console application project

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13936074

8a. Create a C# Console Application project following the steps given below.

1. Within the namespace and outside of the wrapper class for Main create a class named assignment8 that inherits from System.Windows.Forms.

2. Instantiate a button control from System.Windows.Forms and name it btnClickMe.

3. Instantiate a button control from System.Windows.Forms and name it btnExit.

4. Set the form title bar to display "Assignment 8".

5. Set the form size properties to 300, 150.

6. Set the btnClickMe text to "Press Me" and the btnExit text to "Exit".

7. Add the two button controls to the form.

8. Set the btnClickMe location to coordinates 15, 20 and the btnExit location to coordinates 15, 60.

9. Register a new EventHandler for the Click event of the btnClickMe button and a new EventHandler for the Click event of the btnExit button.

10. Write the btnClickMe_Click event method and code the method to show a messagebox with "The Button Has Been Clicked" as text and "Click Me" in the MessageBox title bar when the Click event is fired.

11. Write the btnExit_Click event method and code the method to exit the application when the Click event is fired.

12. In Main run/instantiate an assignment8 form.

8b. Create a C# Windows Forms Application project following the steps given below.

1. Recreate an exact copy of the above console application project to drag and drop the controls onto the form.

2. Use the same property settings for the form and buttons as you did in the console application.


Reference no: EM13936074

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