Create a business policy document that will incorporate

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Reference no: EM133345615

Question: Create a business policy document that will incorporate a self-service business intelligence (BI) system. The document should begin with a summary that includes the following:

State the primary difference between business intelligence and analytics.
Identify three key organizational components that must be in place for an organization to get real value from its BI/analytics efforts.
Describe the five broad categories of business intelligence/analytics techniques, including the specific techniques used in each.
The body of the business policy document should explain how the following will be accomplished:

Uniform, reliable, and error-free reports - rather than aggregated reports.
Data warehouse/data lake from multiple systems and software - integrate customer, process, marketing, finance, etc.
Role-specific and row-level security enabled reports - only allow access to data as relevant to the manager and their function/role.
Web-based dashboards - prevent access to sensitive data by unauthorized users.
Reduction in person-hours (FTE: full-time employee) - save a considerable amount of time and effort switching between teams.

Reference no: EM133345615

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