Reference no: EM133773932
In the Shops section
Add shop not working fix it an add to list down
In the Reports --- Credit Cards' Reports --- mounthlly Transactions
In table and items
Fix the type data in the list per month
Fix shop and budget item auto complete or select from shop or DB
In the Reports --- Cashboxes' Reports --- mounth Transactions
In table and items
Add Previous Balance input in ADD Cashboxes monthly can be change or by default wil be the Previous Balance
Fix shop and budget item auto complete or select from shop or DB
And check the balance sum down the table.
Important information to understand the project .
The code of the app is hosted in github. Please send me your github username to add you as a collaborator to the repo. The repo name is
The app runs in heroku. I already added you via email as a collaborator. The app name is saxumsuppliers.
The app has an attached postgres database named: postgresql-encircled-18863.
The app also stores the invoice pdfs in a aws bucket called saxum-suppliers. You can get the keys to access the bucket in a file called aws_manager.rb.
I imagine I can set up things to share the bucket, but I would need to study how to do that. Eventually we would need Maria to create a bucket so that she pays for the cost. I think heroku also has a storage system, but the aws bucket was pretty easy to set up and very cheap for our storage needs.
Just bear in mind that too many saves into the bucket will result in payments to amazon. Right now I would pay those charges because I used my credit card.
I added you as a collaborator both in github and heroku.
Heroku uses its own ENV variables to link the app to the db.
To run it locally I used a local db. The key lines are in the file saxum_sup.rb
DB_NAME = ‘saxum_suppliers_db'
LOCAL_DB_PATH = "postgres://alejandro@localhost/#{DB_NAME}"
If the ENV[‘DATABASE_URL'] is not defined (i.e. we are not running in heroku, but locally) then I use the LOCAL_DB_PATH as the db variable.
Make a local copy of the db while developing.