Create a blank form and call it switchboard

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131753978

Download Homework 10 LastNameFirstNamehw10.accdb for this homework. Study the tables in this database. Complete all steps and use the assignments tab to submit the ACCESS file.Make sure you close the file before attaching.

Name all objects with the names specified here. Do NOT add any tables to this database file.

Complete all steps. For your convenience, I've provided screenshots of what you should get after completing some steps.

Figure 1 shows the result you should get after you completeSteps 1-4.

1. Create a tabular form, frmVisit, based on Visit table.(The form lists the total number of visits and has a close button. These are described in Steps 4 and 5).

2. OnfrmVisit, make PatientId a combo box. Fix the properties so that when this combo box is clicked, it shows a list of patientIds found in Patient Table.

3. Make Payment Method a combo box. Fix the properties so that when this combo box is clicked, it shows the following payment methods: Check, Credit Card, Insurance.

4. frmVisit should also show the total number of visits at the bottom. (See Figure 1)

5. Add a "Close Form" button to allow a user to close the form by clicking on it. Make sure the Close Form button only appears once, not multiple times. (See Figure 1) (Hint: From the wizard, choose Open Form under Categories and Close Form under Actions).

6. Create a form, frmPatient, based on Patient Table, as shown in Figure 3.

7. On frmPatient, Make Insurance a combo box. When this combo box is clicked, it shows this list of values found in Insurance table.

8. Add the Close Form button to close frmPatient when clicked.

9. Add a button captioned "Look Up All Visits By This Patient." Name it btnVisits. Program this button so that clicking it takes the user to visit information related to the patient currently being displayed at frmPatient. All visits by this patient should display continuously. For example, at the screen shown on Figure 3, Patient 10001 is currently being displayed.

When a user clicks on "Look Up All Visits By This Patient," he should come to the screen shown on Figure 4. Here, all visits made by Patient 10001 are displayed. Notice the word "Filtered" next to the navigation buttons. (Hint: Use the option Open the form and find specific data to display when creating this button using the Wizard.)

10. CreatefrmVisitWithPatientInfoas shown in Figure 5.

The main form of this form is an auto lookup form.Be sure to create the corresponding auto lookup query first. Name the query qryVisitWithPatientInfo.

The idea is that Information about Visits will be displayed on the form together with patient information. So when a patientID is modified for an existing record or selected for a new record on frmVisitWithPatientInfo, information about that patientID is automatically looked up for the patientID in this visit and is automatically filled in on this form.

The subform should display detailed information about this visit. It should show all services performed for this visit, the name and price of each visit performed, and the total for this visit. The subform is also an auto look up form-when a service id is modified or entered, service name is automatically filled in.

11. MakePatientId on the main form a combo box that, when clicked, will display a list of PatientIds in Patient table.

Create the Switchboard form as seen in Figure 6 following Steps 12-19.

12. Create a blank form and call it Switchboard.

13. Add 3 labels (Main Menu, Managing Individual Patients, Managing All Visits) to Switchboard form as shown in Figure 6. (Note: the border-like feature outside the object groups is not required. Just add labels and some formatting to the labels using their property sheets.)

14. Put a combo box, cboPatientId, on the form. The combo box should display a list of patient Id'swhen clicked. Caption the accompanying label "Select a patient to Start."

15. Add another button, btnPatient, captioned "Look Up This Patient's Info", to Switchboard to open frmPatient. When this button is clicked, ACCESS displays patient information for the patient whose patientid is currently selected in the combo box.

For example, if the user selects 10002 for the combo box cboPatientId and then clicks on "Look Up This Patient's Info", it will display information about patient 10002 on frmPatient like Figure 7:

16. Add a button, btnPatientVisits(captioned Look Up This Patient's Visits), to switchboard to open frmVisitWithPatientInfo. Show only records with the same PatientID as the one showing on the switchboard (cboPatientID). For example, if the user selects 10002 for cboPatientId and then clicks on "Look Up This Patient's Visits", 10002's visits will display like Figure 8 (notice the word "Filtered"):

17. Add another button to Switchboard under "Managing All Visits". Clicking the button opens frmVisitWithPatientInfo and displays the first visit. Users can navigate to all visits from there. (Hint: Use the option "Open the form and display all records" when creating this button using the wizard.)

18. Add a button to the switchboard form, name the button btnAddNewVisitAppointment. Caption it "Add a New Visit Appointment". Use the macro builder to design the "On Click" event of this button. When the button is clicked, it will take the user to frmVisitWithPatientInfo and display the blank cells for entering a new appointment.

In addition, the macro should automatically set the PatientId in the main form of frmVisitWithPatientInfo to the same value as in cboPatientID on the switchboard. The idea is that a user can select a patient ID for cboPatientID combo box on the Switchboard form, then the user can click on btnAddNewVisitAppointment button, which will take the user to frmVisitWithPatientInfo so the user can start filling out new appointment information.

But the user will not have to enter patient id as it should be the same as the value that the user has selected from the combo box on Switchboard. Use the expression builder whenever you can. Use All Forms in Expression Builder if the forms you need are not in Loaded Forms.

19. Add a Close Form button to allow the user to close Switchboard form by clicking it.

20. Designate switchboard as startup form.

 Attachment:- Forms.rar

Reference no: EM131753978

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