Create a backup of student information

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM131041189

Worksheet #1

Purpose: Configure a printer.

NOTE: These instructions were written with reference to version 12.04LTS of Ubuntu.

1. Boot your system and open both a command shell and a web browser. Use your web browser and navigate to the web site where class materials are made available. View the sample index.html file in your browser. (Opening a separate tab makes this easy.)

2. Download the sample index.html file to your home directory. (Right-click and perform a save operation.) Use the less command to view the file - notice that it looks different from what you saw in the browser.

3. Edit the index.html file you have saved in your home directory so that it reflects your personal tastes.

4. In the address bar of your browser type the location of your file (replace <username> with your real username):


NOTE: If you are using a different Linux distribution, you may need to alter the path, since user directories may not be located in /home.

5. Change your working directory to /etc/cups and view the contents of that directory. Look to see if there is a printers.conf file there. The file is not likely to exist, but if it does, use the less command to view its contents.

NOTE: Do you have to perform that operation as the root user?

6. Open the System Settings window by clicking on the proper icon on your Dash bar. In the section on Hardware, click Printing.
NOTE: For this first exercise, we will not be adding a real printer.

a. Click the +Add button.

b. In the New Printer dialog box, click the arrow next to Network Printer, then choose AppSocket/HP JetDirect.

c. In the Host box enter the following IP address: and click Forward.

d. A search for drivers will follow; this may take a minute or two.

e. Select the HP as the manufacturer (note that you can use the arrow keys to scroll through the list) and click Forward.

f. Choose Business Inkjet 9100 as the model and click Forward.

g. Click Apply at every opportunity. Do NOT print a test page (it won't work).

7. Bring up your command shell and view the contents of printers.conf. (NOTE: This file should exist now, even if it did not exist before.)

Are you required to be the root user to read that file? Name the attribute used to contain the IP address you entered. What protocol is being used to communicate with the printer (identified within the URI)?

8. Bring your command shell up and use it to send your index.html file to the printer:

lpr index.html

9. Your print job will hang because the IP address was incorrect. Verify that the job is not being printed by viewing the print queue (lpq). Then remove the print job with the lprm command. Did you have to supply a job number? Why or why not? Read the man page on lprm to confirm your interpretation.


10. If you have a printer available for use on your Linux machine, connect it and try to configure it for use. It may be necessary to delete your first printer entry and start over. Note that you may use whatever setup is appropriate for your location; the instructions above describe one kind of networked printer, but you may use a direct connection or anything else which works in your environment.

NOTE: On a virtual machine, you may be able to automatically connect to a printer attached to your computer through a USB port by selecting that printer from the Devices menu at the top of your VM window.

11. View the contents of the printers.conf file once again to verify the changes you have made.

12. Use the lpr command to print the index.html file directly.

13. Print the file from the browser and compare the results of your two print jobs.

Worksheet #2

Purpose: To create a backup of student information and save it to an external device.

NOTE: These instructions were written with reference to version 12.04LTS of Ubuntu.

1. Boot your system and open two command shells. In one, change your identity to that of the root user.

2. In your student window, create an archive of your CourseNotes directory. Give the archive the name archive-notes.tar. Write the command you used below:

3. Compress the archive file using the gzip command. What is the name of the resulting archive?

4. Place a scratch storage device into your computer. For most students, this will mean placing a thumb drive into a USB port. If the device does not mount automatically, review Lab Worksheet #6 for steps which will make the device available. (Especially watch for the Devices menu on a virtual machine.)

5. Move your archive file onto the external device. Write the command you used below:

6. Delete your CourseNotes directory. (Your archive should be gone, too. If it is not, remove it.)

7. Unmount your device from the filesystem and remove it.

8. If you are in class, trade devices with another student. If you are taking the class on-line, restart your Linux machine. While you are waiting for it to come on-line again, you should try viewing the contents of your device on a Windows machine. If the filesystem on the device is a Windows filesystem (which it should be, by default), you should be able to see the Zip file, and you may even be able to open it. (Though the contents will not be sensible to the Windows system, since they are a tar archive.)

9. At your Linux machine, copy the archive file from your external device to your home directory.

10. Unzip the file using gunzip and list the contents of the archive file. Write the command you used below:

11. Extract the files from the archive into the directory. Using cat or more or less, read the files to verify their contents. Write your extraction command below:

13. Did the extraction command create any directories? Which ones?

Quiz #3

I. Multiple Choice

DIRECTIONS: Save this document on your local machine. Use the blue-bordered box for your answers - for each question, type the answer you have selected into that box.

1. Which of these options to the tar command will compress the resulting archive directly (that is, without invoking a separate compression command)?
a. -s             c. -z
b. --reduce    d. none (there is no such option)

2. Which command will format a diskette so that it uses the extended-2 filesystem?
a. mke2fs /dev/fd0            c. format /dev/fd0 extended-2
b. mkdosfs /dev/fd0           d. mke2fs --inode 1440 /dev/fd0

3. Which of these commands is used to close a network-interface device?
a. ifup                c. ifdown
b. ifconfig -d       d. ifconfig --close

4. Which of these directories is used as a repository for information about hardware devices on a Linux system?
a. hardware           c. /hware
b. /dev                 d. /extern

II. Short Answer

DIRECTIONS: Type the answer to each question in the blue box associated with it.

5. Write a command which will mount a floppy disk at the device location /dev/fd1 to a mount point named /extern/floppy.

6. Write a command which will create an archive of the home directory of a user named princebarin. Name the archive arch-barin.tar.

7. Write a command which will perform a test to see whether a computer with an IP address of is reachable.

8. Write a command which will send a file named notes.txt, located in your current working directory, to the default printer.


Answer one of the following questions.

- Why does the default version of the tar command (without the 'f' option) write output to the terminal window? OR
- Why would anyone ever use a "lossy" compression algorithm?

Explain your position and be sure to include a real world example in your response. Be sure to include your cited your source(s) to support your position. Read all postings and respond to at least two other postings, following the guidelines for participation. This part of the discussion assignment is due by the end of the academic week to get credit. Again, remember to cite your sources.

Your answer should be well thought out (showing that you have engaged in some critical thinking about the subject matter) and be at the very least, 2 substantial paragraphs in content. Be sure to cite your sources. Failure to do so will result in a zero grade for the assignment.

Please note that Wikipedia is not a credible cited source. Feel free to go to Wikipedia to look up general information about your topic but no direct material listing "Wikipedia" as the source will be accepted.

One additional note of caution: Do not cut and paste directly from the Internet to the discussion forum. That is plagiarism, and, as a minimum, you will receive a grade of zero for the discussion assignment. Instead, summarize what you find in your own words. Remember to properly cite your sources. Read all postings and respond to at least two for minimal credit. These postings are due by the end of the academic week to get credit.

Again, "Wikepedia" and "My Personal experience" are not acceptable in this class as credible cited sources.

Can You please put the answer with the question and please use the worksheet that I sent or put them on different document with labels of the assignment name

Verified Expert

The four word documents are included separately for each individual section, It contains solution for Worksheet #1, Worksheet #2, Quiz #3, Discussion in separate files. This is complete solution as per requirement.

Reference no: EM131041189

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