Reference no: EM132247602
Assignment 1 - Response to the following:
What prevents health care from having the same customer satisfaction as Amazon?
What prevents health care employees from having the same satisfaction as Google employees?
What are the leadership skills or attributes necessary to accomplish these objectives?
Please include 2 references and citation. 175 word count per each response APA format.
What prevents health care from having the same customer satisfaction as Amazon?
Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO, stated that they have been ranked #1 twice in a roll in customer service is because that's their main focus (Bringing the Amazon Experience to Healthcare, 2017). Amazon assures that they are providing the service that customers require. The health care cannot provide the same customer service as Amazon because they do not put their patients first. Many patients do not complain when they are unhappy with an organization but they will shop elsewhere. Health care facilities care about the number of patients that they are serving to receive the profit from their health insurances, but do not bother to provide quality of care.
What prevents health care employees from having the same satisfaction as Google employees?
Google employees receive plenty of benefits and their managers help them improve in the areas where they lack. Google employees have stated that their job is less stressing. Health care employees have stressful jobs. Managers in health care are different, they do not focus on their employees to help them improve on their performance.
What are the leadership skills or attributes necessary to accomplish these objectives?
Communication is key when accomplishing the objectives. Poor communication results in stress for employees and patient dissatisfaction (Vermeir, et al., 2015). When communication is effective in a work environment, employees will have higher satisfaction because they can communicate with their leaders with any concerns. Team work is also effective when achieving a goal in health care.
Reading - Bringing the Amazon Experience to Healthcare. (2017).
Grant - I have been in the healthcare industry for 18 years. During that time I have been on the front line of patient care, and as a manager, and department director. What I can tell you is healthcare is a very complicated industry when it comes to customer satisfaction. I'm not saying that it is not possible or should not be our goal, but different areas of the country, with different populations, with different expectations, and understanding of healthcare makes this something that I feel is hard to gauge. In most cases healthcare is something that is not being seeked out not for good reasons, but because something is wrong. Your nervous, scared, concerned, and simply uninformed and lack knowledge of what is going on. This leads to people not viewing the healthcare experience as something positive, or being able to look at anything with it as a positive. You can be providing excellent care, providing the patient with information to help them understand, to have doctors, nurses, and others spend time with patients to help them understand, and what expectations to have, and you can still not have a perception of goo d care, or the satisfaction level that you feel you should have got. It is very difficult. When your dealing with something like Amazon, your shopping, watching a show, doing something that you want to do. These two thinks are very different.
As far as what prevents health care employees from having the same satisfaction as Google employees you can basically boil it down to an ever increasing demand on staff, decreasing revenue to invest in staff, severe shortage in the work force for good, skilled caregivers. It's simple, healthcare is not free. In most cases, not all, your best nurses are going to go to the place they can make the most money, and have the best work environment. It's not fair, but it is a simple fact of life. We all want to make our piece of the pie. When there is not enough caregivers to go around certain places will get the good ones, and what is left is what you get. I can tell you first had that rural healthcare facilities are struggling with this greatly. Large facilities are able to harness recourses that smaller rural facilities are not able to. This makes it hard for them to compete for the same talent pool, and the results are telling.
In my opinion some of these barriers to achieving higher level of patient and employment satisfaction are out of our hands, there are lots of rules and regulations that really hurt smaller facilities from being able to be successful. There are things that can be done, and there are leadership skills, and attributes necessary to reach these goals. In our last class we discussed being a true leader. Being real, genuine and someone that can relate, and be related to can make all the difference. Have leaders that have done the work. That understands the work being performed, what it takes to get it done is so much more valuable than leaders that are just figures. One article I referenced last course was from Amy Anderson. She discussed how true leadership is accomplished. She stated that (Anderson, 2015, paragraph 5)"True leaders work right alongside the people they lead in order to get to know and care about the people they are leading. Working with people allows leaders to lift and inspire their team". Know the work to be done, and what it takes, showing staff that you are with them on this journey, and that they are valuable can make all the difference.
Assignment 2 - Questions and Answer: 175 word response APA format with reference and or citation
What prevents healthcare from having the same customer Satisfaction as Amazon? Or Employee satisfaction as compared to google? Are these environments achievable in healthcare?
Assignment 3 - Instructors request!!
Your ACTION PLAN should be a plan as you would present to executive leadership and is a reflection of the survey responses. Create a SMART(s) Goal, then use the rest of your paper to discuss how you will accomplish that, who will do what, by when, and how much. ASK Questions if you have them... your completed project should be a direct response to the results provided. Make sure they align.
Resource: Employee Engagement Survey Results
Imagine your health care organization conducted an employee engagement survey and received the results.
Create a 3- to 4-page annual Action Work Plan. Your plan should:
- Define SMART goals, objectives, and strategies.
- Identify desired results.
- Define how success will be measured.
- Identify, analyze, and delegate tasks.
- List the tactics that will be used.
- Create a timeline of events.
- List expenses and create a budget.
Your plan is not limited to the above list.
Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).
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