Reference no: EM133748532
Laboratory Work
Robot grippers are the physical interface between a robot arm and the work piece. This end-of-arm tooling (EOAT) is one of the most important parts of the robot. One of the many benefits of material handling robots is the reduction of part damage. A gripper comes in direct contact with your product, so it is important to choose the right type of gripper for your operation.
The easier way to describe a gripper is to think of the human hand. Just like a hand, a gripper allows holding, tightening, handling and releasing of an object. A gripper is just one component of an automated system. A gripper can be attached to a robot or it can be part of a fixed automation system. Many styles and sizes of grippers exist so that the correct model can be selected for the application.
Lab Report
Students are required to document each project in the form of a lab report. The format of the Lab Report is as follows (Following the MIT format as discussed in the lectures). Use this as guideline in documenting your projects. Not all items may be needed in documenting the projects you undertake.
Project Name Lab Work - Part 4 | Project x |Student_number
Purpose/Objective(s) Why are we doing the lab? What questions are you trying to answer?
Hypothesis What do you expect the results to be?
This should relate directly to the problem
Materials List of all the Materials you will use during the lab
Procedure Steps should be listed and numbered.
Steps should be clearly written, detailed, and brief
It must indicate HOW data will be taken
Tabulated Data Must be in the form of a table
Be sure to use units
Analysis Graphs, calculations, important observations
Conclusion A good conclusion answers 3 questions:
What did you do in the lab?
Restate the purpose/problem
A brief description of how you tested it
What you used to gather data
What does your data say?
Look at your data table or sketch and turn it into a sentence or two.
What did you learn?
This should answer the question posed in the purpose/problem.
Part 1: Holding Plate
In order successfully complete this lab, you need to carefully read and follow every step of the instruction.
Objective: To create a 3D model of Robotic Gripper's parts and join them together in a full assembly
Materials Required:
Solidworks Software
Start-up Solidworks software and create a new document from File menu, select Part from Templates and click OK. The units to be used are millimeters.
Select Front Plane, click sketch.
Draw the following figure using line. Set specified dimensions as shown below.
Using centerline connect origin and upper horizontal line.
Using Smart dimension, set up the following dimensions. To set up angle click first the horizontal line and then the vertical one.
Choose Sketch Fillet , set fillet radius to 10 mm and highlight the following corners.
Draw 4 circles with diameters size of 5.5mm, 10 mm, 10mm and 5.5mm as shown below, place the lowest circle's origin on centerline.
Using Smart Dimension specify the following distances from circles
Highlight all circles and lines while pressing CTRL key, click Mirror Entities, Mirror about the centerline.
Go to features tab, click Extruded Boss/base and extrude the sketch (under direction1 select Mid Plane) to 5mm.
Save the part in new folder and name Part1.
Part 2: Long Arm
Create new document from File menu, select Part from Templates and click OK. The units to be used are millimeters.
Select Top Plane, click sketch.
Select Straight Slot and draw figure starting from origin point to the right, click, lift upwards and click again.
Draw 2 circles with diameter of 10 mm. Set the distance between them to 80 mm. Set the radius of slot to 9mm.
Go to Features tab, extrude 3 mm, under direction1 choose Mid Plane.
Save the file and name it Part2.
Part 3: Simple Gear
Create new document from File menu, select Part from Templates and click OK. The units to be used are millimeters.
Select Top Plane, click sketch.
Draw 2 circles with diameter of size 10 and 60mm.
Draw the vertical centerline starting from origin to the upper edge of larger circle.
Using Mid-point Line tool draw the straight line from the center of circle's upper edge, then form a triangle by clicking on centerline lower and back to the other end of line.
-Set the dimensions of 7.5mm for horizonal side of triangle, and 60 degrees between other 2 sides.
Select fillet, set the radius to 1.5 mm and then highlight lower corner of triangle.
Expand Linear Sketch Pattern , click on Circular Pattern, select the original point at Reverse direction area, type 20 in number of instances, in Entities to Pattern highlight edge of smaller circle, arc of triangle, all sides of triangle and its area and press.
In the origin point draw the corner rectangle with the following dimensions (7 by 2.5mm).Set the distance between the centerline and vertical side of rectangle to 1.25mm. Select lower edge of rectangle and origin point while holding CTRL key, under Add Relations select Coincident
Rebuild sketch, go to Features tab and select sketch and click Extruded Boss/Base.
Remove the Sketch under selected contours and choose inside area, set the depth to 8mm.
Save the file and name it Part3.
Part 4: Claw
Create new document from File menu, select Part from Templates and click OK. The units to be used are millimeters.
Select Front Plane, click sketch.
Draw following 2 lines and set the dimensions as follows.
Now add another 3 lines and set the dimensions as follows.
Select Line and draw the following line and arc. (Note: Arc is also drawn using Line tool, direct the line along arc path), set the length to 70mm and radius to 20mm as follows.
Add one more line and set the length to 21mm.
Using 3 Point Arc, connect the 21mm and 35mm lines. Set the radius to 30mm.
Draw the circle at the left side of the part.
Highlight the middle line inside circle and check the box For Construction
Using Trim Entities, remove the right half of the circle.
Draw two small circles aligned horizontally in the middle.
Draw the centerline in between circles.
Set the diameters of circles to 10 mm, distance between them to 75 mm.
Using Line tool, draw the following triangle with the dimensions specified. (3.5mm between the left/right corners and middle corner, 4mm height)
Highlight two sides of triangle and select Linear Sketch Pattern. Set 7 mm to spacing, number of instances to 3.
Draw similar triangle on the right side.
Highlight 2 sides of triangle and select Linear Sketch Pattern. Set 7 mm to spacing, number of instances to 5.
Highlight line above triangles and check box For construction for both sides.
Rebuilt the sketch, go to Features tab and select Extruded Boss/Base.
Set distance to 5 mm, direction1 to Mid Plane.
Save file and name it part4.
Part 5: PIN
Create new document from File menu, select Part from Templates and click OK. The units to be used are millimeters.
Select Top Plane, click sketch.
Draw the circle with diameter size of 10 mm.
Go to Features tab and extrude it to 8mm, set Mid Plane for direction1.
Go to Configuration manager, right click to Default, click add derived configuration, type in Configuration name "Gear Pin". Click green tick.
Select top face of cylinder and click sketch.
Draw the rectangle, select left side of rectangle and origin point together, under Add Relations click Midpoint.
Set dimensions to 7m and 2.5 mm as follows.
Go to Features tab, set depth to 11mm (In case reverse direction). Press .
Right click first boss-extrude1 and select edit feature. Change distance from 8 to 16mm, in configurations select This configuration and click .
Save the file and it part5.
Part 6: Short arm
Create new document from File menu, select Part from Templates and click OK. The units to be used are millimeters.
Select Top Plane, click sketch.
Draw straight slot with the following dimensions.
Draw 2 circles with diameters of 10 mm.
Draw corner rectangle with the following dimensions, click left side of rectange and point of origin, add midpoint relation.
Click trim entities and remove inside lines.
Go to features, extrude the part to 3 mm, set direction 1 to Mid Plane.
Save the file and name it Part6.
Part 7: Assembly of all parts.
Your task is to assemble all parts together based on the picture below.
Pay attention that part 5 comes in 2 configurations, you will need only 2 gear pins, remaining are bushes.