Create a text file named grades.txt

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13161563

Write a program to calculate students' average test scores and their grades. Creat a text file named grades.txt and add the following data just as it is:

Johnson 85 83 77 91 76    
 Aniston 80 90 95 93 48   
 Cooper 78 81 11 90 73     
 Gupta 92 83 30 69 87  
  Blair 23 45 96 38 59    
 Clark 60 85 45 39 67     
 Kennedy 77 31 52 74 83   
  Bronson 93 94 89 77 97    
  Sunny 79 85 28 93 82     
 Smith 85 72 49 75 63 
  1. Use three arrays: a one-dimensional array to store the students' names, a (parallel) two-dimensional array to store the test scores, and a parallel one- dimensional array to store grades.
  2. Your program must contain at least the following functions: a function to read the data from the external file and store into two arrays (the student array and the grades array), a function to calculate the average test score and grade and put it into the third array, and a function to output the results.
  3. Have your program also output the class average.

Note: A parallel array is an array whose subscripts correspond to the subscripts in another array. For example

students[0] = "Johnson" grades [0][] = {85, 83, 77, 91, 76}

The zero subscripts across the parallel arrays all refer to the first student in the list


Reference no: EM13161563

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