CPSC 1045 Introduction to Web Programming Assignment

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132536994

CPSC 1045 Introduction to Web Programming - Langara College

Assignment: Loop, arrays and events

Part 1:

Starting with the ass7_1.html and ass7_1.js
Write the JavaScript code such that
• When the page loads, create 10 random black circles in the group with the id container
• When the user clicks on a click on a circle, it changes color to the one selected in the color input
• When the user clicks on the reset button, change the color of all the circles to black

Part 2:

Starting with the ass7_2.html and ass7_2.js
• Create an application that allows the user to create a pro/con list.
• You should have 2 global arrays, one for pros and one for cons
• The user can type the reason in the reason box
o If the pro button is clicked the reason is added to the Pro List
o If the con button is clicked the reason is added to the Con List
o If the reset button is clicked, both lists are emptied
• The div with the id proList should contains the upto date contents of the pros array
o The internal array, and what is shown on the screen are separate things.
• The div with the id conList should contain the upto date contents of the cons array
• The list should not exceed 10 items long
• If there are more than 10 items on either list, remove the oldest item from that list.
• The Remove Pro button removes the most recent Pro reason
• The Remove Con button removes the most recent Con reason
• The Circle on the right should be red if there are more Cons than pros, and green otherwise
• Write a helper function to update the circle's color, div's containing the lists.
o You should write one function that can updater either pro or con lists by having the correct parameters passed into it.
o You should write one function to update the circle's color

Attachment:- Loop - arrays and events.rar

Reference no: EM132536994

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CPSC 1045 Introduction to Web Programming Assignment : CPSC 1045 Introduction to Web Programming Assignment Help and Solution, Langara College - Assessment Writing Service - Create an application
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