CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements assignment

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Reference no: EM133155053

CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry - Nova Institute of Technology

Assessment Task 1 - Written/Verbal Questions

Explain the difference between a ‘hazard' and a ‘risk'.
Provide 5 examples of the following types of risks.
What should you do if you identify a hazard?
Complete the table below, outlining employer and employer responsibilities with respect to work health and safety.
Match the following OHS terms with the correct definition.

Term Definition

Set out general safety requirements and enforcement

Set out safety requirements for specific industries and tasks - what must be done

Are guidelines that give examples of how to carry out the task safely

Explain the importance of OHS induction training.

Complete the following table with a tick to indicate if you think the statement is True or False.

OHS Document Description

Policy Describes the desired standard
States Management's commitment to fulfilling the policy
Tells staff how to do a job
Must include pictures and diagrams

Procedure Sets out step-by-step instructions for how to do something
Sets out what to do at every stage to avoid accidents
Once developed, all staff should be trained in use
Must include pictures and diagrams

Provide a brief description of each control measure from the Hierarchy of Controls.

Control measure Description
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

You are on site and there has been a chemical spill (concrete sealer has contaminated the waste pipes) what would you do?

What measures can be taken to isolate the work area when dealing with asbestos in the ceiling and walls of an old dwelling? How do we minimise the risk and contain the site? Who should be engaged to ensure the safe removal and disposal of contaminated material?

List 2 items of PPE suitable to protect the following body areas.

Hoardings are commonly installed around building sites to protect the public and to secure the site when left unattended. What are hoardings?

1.13 What common categories of signs do the following signs fall under?
Categories include:

1.14 Review the SDS for WD-40, provided as a supplementary document, and complete the table.

What is WD-40 used for?
What is the emergency contact number?
Outline 5 precautions for safe handling
What PPE should be worn when handling WD-40?
What first aid measures should be taken if WD-40 is ingested?
What type of extinguishing media is a suitable firefighting measure?

1.15 State the 3 main areas of bodily injuries that occur due to poor or incorrect manual handling techniques.

1.16 List 8 model codes of practice related to the construction industry.

1.17 Why are tool guards considered important? What risks do they minimise? List 3.

1.18 Identify 3 tools which are prohibited for use in areas where asbestos has been identified.

1.19 Sketch the safety signs for the following:

1.20 For what type of fire will you use this type of extinguisher?

What type of fire extinguisher should be used to extinguish the following types of fires?
Fuel type
Cooking oil

Is a water-based fire extinguisher suitable for electrical fires? Why or why not?

Tick the following statements that you think are correct. In an emergency, you should:
- Panic, run, yell and scream
- Comply with all reasonable instructions from the safety wardens
- Go and get your belongings and go home
- Even though you are not trained, get in and tackle the emergency
- Go to your designated emergency assembly point and make sure you are accounted for by the safety wardens
- Push your workmates out of the way and just get the hell out of there
- Assist in any incident investigation

John has cut his left index finger on a large peg protruding out of the ground. The cut is bleeding heavily. List what steps you would undertake to conduct first aid to Johns finger.

Assessment Task 2 - Workplace Practical/Simulation Tasks

Objective of the task The purpose of this Workplace Practical/Simulation Task is to assess your ability to carry out OHS requirements through safe work practices on the construction site.

Your task It is 6.45 am as you walk out of the toolbox meeting. This is your first day on the new site.

Part 1: Pre-start safety check

You make your way to your work area and spend 5 minutes completing a pre-start safety checklist on the work area.

Part 1 Complete the following:
• Submit Take 5 Pre-start safety checklist
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.1 Observation - OHS inspection Part 2: Tools and equipment
You then move on to inspecting the work tools using the machinery and equipment checklist. On the work bench you locate a drop saw with its guard missing. You tag- out the drop saw and submit a hazard report to your supervisor.

Part 2 Complete the following:
• Machinery and equipment checklist
• Hazard report
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.1 Observation - OHS inspection

Part 1: Take 5 Pre-start safety checklist

- Attach a completed Take 5 pre-start safety checklist to this section of your Assessment

Part 2: Machinery and Equipment Checklist

Part 2: Hazard report
Details (report to be completed by anyone who identifies a hazard)
Reported by
Location of the hazard
Description of the hazard

What safety issue have you seen that has the potential to cause harm or loss?

What action have you taken?

Corrective actions
Recommended corrective actions

What do you think could be done to eliminate or minimise the hazard?
Reported by (sign here)

Supervisor to complete
Corrective actions to be taken

What do you think could be done to eliminate or minimise the hazard?

Simulation Task 2.2 - Simulated fire

Objective of the task The purpose of this Workplace Practical/Simulation Task is to assess your ability to select and use firefighting equipment to extinguish a fire and report the incident.

Your task It's been a sweltering day on a domestic construction site. The trades have been
busy cutting timber and putting up the wall frames.

From the corner of your eye you notice smoke coming from the drop saw. You rush over and realise the saw has caught fire. Thinking quickly, you disconnect the power and grab the fire extinguisher.

Part 1: Extinguish the fire

Your Assessor will set up the scenario in the simulated workplace.

Using the correct type of fire extinguisher for the class of fire, you must extinguish the fire.

Follow the correct steps for using a fire extinguisher:
• Pull the pin
• Aim the extinguisher at the base of the flames
• Squeeze the trigger while holding the extinguisher upright
• Sweep the extinguisher or nozzle from side to side covering the base of the fire
• Observe the fire after initial extinguishment as it may reignite

Part 1 Complete the following:
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.2 Observation - Simulated fire

Part 2: Isolate the area

Isolate the hazard and secure the area with signage and bollards. Then report the incident to your supervisor and complete an incident report. Luckily no one was injured as a result of the incident.

Part 2 Complete the following:
• Incident report
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.2 Observation - Simulated fire

Simulation Task 2.3 - Emergency evacuation

Objective of the task The purpose of this Workplace Practical/Simulation Task is to assess your ability to evacuate a site through simulated response to an emergency, complying with workplace procedures.

Your task You finish the lunch break and jump back on the work tools, when the emergency alarm sounds.

It's a large construction site so you're not sure what the emergency is, although you can smell something that's out of the ordinary.

Part 1: Evacuate the site

Follow the site safety procedures and evacuate the site to the assembly area.
• On hearing an evacuation alarm immediately cease all activity
• Assist any person in immediate danger, but only if safe to do so
• If practical, and only if safe to do so, secure any activity or process that may become hazardous or suffer damage if left unattended as a consequence of evacuation
• Act in accordance with directions given by emergency control personnel and evacuate the site immediately.
• Move calmly to the nominated evacuation assembly area and do not leave the
evacuation assembly area until the ‘all clear' has been given

Part 1 Complete the following:
• Workplace Practical/Simulation Task 2.3 Observation - Emergency evacuation

Simulation Task 2.3 Observation - Emergency evacuation

Assessment Task 3 - Projects

Project 3.1 - Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry

Objective of the task The purpose of this project is to assess your knowledge on work health and safety requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry.

Your task Part 1: Risk assessment

Choose one of the following activities:
• Pouring concrete
• Erecting timber wall frames
• Applying liquid membrane waterproofing
• Installing ceramic tiles
• Painting the façade on a double-storey building

1. Break down each activity into at least 6 individual smaller tasks
2. For each task identify the potential hazards associated
3. Use the Risk Assessment Matrix on the following page to calculate the current risk rating associated with the individual task
4. Use the Hierarchy of Controls table to determine appropriate action for that task
5. Determine who is responsible for implementing the control measures to reduce the risk, and when this is to be completed by
6. Refer to the Risk Assessment Matrix to now calculate the revised risk level associated with the individual task.

Part 1 Complete the following:
• Risk assessment

Part 2: First aid procedures

Create a single-page first aid guide which you can reference if first aid needs to be administered on the construction site. Use simple language and visuals where appropriate, to ensure the guide can be understood by all workers on site.

In your guide, outline the basic first aid procedures to manage the following:
• Minor wound
• Dislocation
• Head injury (concussion)
• Crush injuries
• Chemical burns

Prepare your first aid guide on A3 size poster paper and submit it with your Assessment Workbook.

Part 2 Complete the following:
• Attach your first aid guide to your Assessment Workbook Part 3: Model Codes of Practice
Refer to the model codes of practice listed below, to complete a series of questions.

• Model Code of Practice: Hazardous manual tasks
• Model Code of Practice: Managing the risk of falls at workplaces
• Model Code of Practice: Confined spaces
• Model Code of Practice: How to manage and control asbestos in the workplace

Part 3 Complete the following:
• Questions relating to work health and safety and the model codes of practice

Part 1: Risk Assessment Rating Matrix
Use this table to determine the current risk and residual risk for each identified task and hazard. Consider the following:
1. What is the worst possible consequence of this hazard?
2. What is the likelihood of this occurring?

Part 2: First aid procedures
Create a single-page first aid guide which you can reference if first aid needs to be administered on the construction site. Use simple language and visuals where appropriate, to ensure the guide can be understood by all workers on site.

In your guide, outline the basic first aid procedures to manage the following:
• Minor wound
• Dislocation
• Head injury (concussion)
• Crush injuries
• Chemical burns

Prepare your first aid guide on A3 size poster paper and submit it with your Assessment Workbook.

Minor wound
Head injury (concussion)
Crush injuries
Chemical burns

Part 3: Model Codes of Practice
What is a hazardous manual task?

The movement of formwork components around site should be minimised as much as possible as the loads can be heavy and awkward to handle. Inevitably however there will be some manual lifting and carrying. Suggest 3 strategies to minimise the risk of injury associated with manually moving formwork components.

Provide 3 solutions to minimise manual handling risks associated shovelling sand and moving bags of cement.

When work cannot be performed on the ground or from a solid construction, you, as a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), must minimise the risk of a fall by providing a fall prevention device, if it is reasonably practicable to do so. What is a ‘temporary work platform'?

Where work is carried out from a scaffold, workers must be provided with information, training and instruction on the nature of the scaffolding work, the risks associated with the scaffolding and the control measures implemented to reduce that risk. What information, training and instruction should be provided? Give 5 examples.

Describe 2 safe work practices to implement when setting out and nailing of level ceiling joists or upper level floor joists.

List 8 hazards of working in confined spaces.

How might ventilation be provided in a confined space?

Discuss the effects asbestos can have on your health.

Who has health and safety duties in relation to managing and controlling asbestos or ACM?

Describe each of the below types of asbestos.
Chrysotile (white asbestos)
Crocidolite (blue asbestos)

What is the difference between friable asbestos and non-friable asbestos?
Friable asbestos
Non-friable asbestos

List 4 non-friable asbestos containing material.

A person with management or control of a workplace may identify asbestos or ACM by arranging for a sample of material at the workplace to be analysed for the presence of asbestos or ACM. Who has the authority to analyse a sample?

Where might asbestos be found inside the house. List 10 typical household locations.

What are 2 ways in which a person with management or control of a workplace can clearly indicate to others, the presence of asbestos?

What 4 factors should be considered when deciding if there is a risk to health from asbestos?

What is an asbestos register?

An asbestos management plan sets out how asbestos or ACM that is identified at the workplace will be managed. What are 4 things an asbestos management plan must include?

A PCBU must not use, or direct or allow a worker to use, specific equipment on asbestos or ACM unless the use of the equipment is controlled. Explain why.

Outline 4 techniques that prevent or minimise the generation of airborne asbestos fibres.

Attachment:- Plumbing and Services Training Package.rar

Reference no: EM133155053

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CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements assignment : CPCCWHS2001 Apply WHS requirements, policies and procedures in the construction industry - Nova Institute of Technology
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