CPCCBC5005A Select and manage building and construction

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM132829782

CPCCBC5005A Select and manage building and construction contractors - Oceania Polytechnic Institute of Education


Part A: Project Schedule

You are to assume that you are the Project Manager in charge of the construction project at 108 - 110 Kanooka Grove Clayton, Victoria.

As the Project Manager you are required to create a project schedule for phase one of the project at 108 - 110 Kanooka Grove Clayton, Victoria. Phase one is the construction of the first three houses in this development.

You are required to include the following details in your schedule for phase one:

• Type and number of subcontractors that you will need for the project, which should be ordered on the list based on construction sequence and volume
• Scope of the work to be conducted
• Total hours required for each function and stage
• Timeframes for the project from start to finish

This may be done using the template provided or you may use your own template if you wish. The completed schedule must be submitted in your next timetabled class.
Please ensure you label each project with your name, student ID, unit code, title and assessment name. This is Assessment 1, Part A.

Part B:
1. For this task, you are required to go to https://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details/C2015C00244 (Fair Work (Building Industry) Act 2012 and carry out research.
Identify and rationalise three features that you feel must be integrated as part of a Subcontractor Agreement to clarify workplace obligations and subcontractor rights. Your rationalisation should be at least 1000 words.

2. You are also required to develop a procedure for the selection of subcontractors which must include: credit checks, the selection criteria to use, how to gather information about previous work history, equal opportunity principles and that you carry out qualification/licence checks. This should be at least 600 words.

These must be done on MS Word. When you have completed the report and procedure, they are to be printed and submitted in your next timetabled class.

Please ensure you label each project with your name, student ID, unit code, title and assessment name. This is Assessment 1, Part B.

Part C

For this assessment, your assessor will provide you with 6 templates which are: (operational profile, reference check template, short-listing template, worksite Inspection form, subcontractor management plan and subcontractor agreement template) and the resumes and applications of the 6 applicants for painting and plastering for the project.
1. Using the template provided, you are required to prepare an operational profile (template 1) for each of the subcontractors whose information you have received.
2. After preparing an operational profile for each applicant, you are required to undertake a reference check on each. For this, you are to use the reference check template (template 2) provided and develop at least 3 other questions which you must use to gain further information on each candidate.
The questions you ask must:
• confirm the applicants role & responsibilities
• obtain information on the applicants knowledge, skills and abilities
• ascertain if the referee would recommend the applicant for the role

This will be done by role-play with your assessor who will be acting as the referee for each applicant. When you have developed the reference questions to ask, you must carry out a reference check for each of the subcontractor applicants. Your assessor will arrange a time for this to be carried out during class. While asking the referee (the assessor) the reference questions, you must accurately record the answers in the template. You will have approximately 2-3 minutes to carry out each check. This information will be used towards selecting a suitable subcontractor for each trade.
3. Based on the information provided in the profiles and after carrying out reference checks you must now use the short-listing template (template 3) to shortlist the two most appropriate subcontractors from each trade ensuring equal opportunities apply to all applicants and provide reasons for your choices.
4. After shortlisting two subcontractors from each trade, you are required to observe each one carrying out work. For this assessment, you will visit a simulated worksite where these trades will be working. You must observe them carrying out work and complete the Worksite Inspection form (template 4) to record the outcomes. (Refer to the instructions overleaf regarding the simulated worksite).
5. Based on the information you have gathered, you are now required to choose one subcontractor from each trade.
6. Draft a letter to the successful candidate informing them of their success and position title, starting date, and any special conditions of employment/requirements before commencement
7. Draft a letter to the unsuccessful candidate providing them with feedback on why they were not successful on this occasion
8. Prepare a management plan and the subcontractor terms of engagement, scope of work and quality requirements under the contract for each of the selected subcontractors using the subcontractor management plan (template 5) and agreement templates (template 6). (Section 2 of agreement template (compensation and expenses) can be left blank) - On a separate word document you must draft the scope of work and quality requirements as an attachment to the subcontractor agreement. This should include a description of the scope of work to be carried out by each contractor and the quality requirements. This should be at least 500 words.

Part D
For this assessment, you are required to manage and implement the processes for commencement, induction and training for the new subcontractor by:
• Writing a policy on the induction/commencement/training of new subcontractors - the policy must include:
a. Purpose
b. Scope
c. Procedure
d. At least 600 words

• The policy is then to be implemented by presenting it to all personnel on site (presentation to be conducted in class time to assessor and other students).
• You will have 10 minutes to present your policy
• You must attach a copy of the policy and PowerPoint slides along with this assessment.
• This must done during second class of week 2.


Part A - Evaluation of subcontractor

For this assessment, you are required to develop a template which can be used to evaluate subcontractor performance and compliance with contract management.

The template you create must contain the following criteria as a minimum:
• Performance of duties
• Time management
• Cost management
• Compliance with contact & terms of engagement
• Resource management
• Quality management

Part B - Role Plays

You are required to conduct both role plays. Keep in mind the following points:
• You are the Project Manager for the six town houses construction site at 108 - 110 Kanooka Grove Clayton, Victoria.

• The construction has commenced and you wish to avoid any construction time delay.

• You wish to ensure a safe work environment with a high quality management system

Scenario 1:
The building surveyor has spoken to you in relation to the frame stage for this project located at 108 - 110 Kanooka Grove, Clayton. He has picked a number of issues with the frame, including wrong timber and steel beams have been used. Furthermore, the connection of these beams is not in accordance to the specifications and engineering details.
You have decided to have a meeting with the carpentry subcontractor who was responsible for the construction of the frames.
For the role play, you are to play the part of the Project Manager and your assessor will be the subcontractor.
During the role play, you should discuss the following points with the subcontractor:
• Refer to the requirement of compliance with contract requirements
• Advise that you want to prevent further costs and delay
• You want to ensure the subcontractor will rectify this issue ASAP, and at no further cost
• Discuss the overall performance of the subcontractor
• Advise the subcontractor of the feedback and appeals system in place which provides subcontractors with an opportunity to challenge any review outcomes
• Discuss the remedial/disciplinary action which may take place against the subcontractor in accordance with organisational policy and operational guidelines.
• The Building Authority have attended the site and found the work to be defective.
• You must advise the contractor of his/her options

Scenario 2:
Following on from a performance review and inspection of the bricklayer subcontractor's work, it has been noticed that there are some defects in the work which has been completed. The defects are in house 1 and are cracks which are noticeable but easily filled but causing the doors and windows to stick slightly.

In the performance review of the subcontractor, the quality management and time management have been rated as 2 = Below Average.

You have called the bricklaying subcontractor for a meeting regarding these issues.

For the role play, you are to play the part of the Project Manager and your assessor will be the subcontractor.
During the role play, you should discuss the following points with the subcontractor:
• Refer to the requirement of compliance with contract requirements
• Advise that you want to prevent further costs and delay
• You want to ensure the subcontractor will rectify this issue ASAP, and at no further cost
• Advise the subcontractor of the relevant Australian Standard (AS) which covers defects liability and explain what the subcontractor is required to do
• Discuss the performance review outcomes of the subcontractor including the below average rating for quality and time management.
• Advise the subcontractor that he must meet fortnightly with you and provide progress reports on the rectification of the defects as well as the ongoing work and that he will be monitored closely to ensure compliance with contract requirements.
• Discuss the remedial/disciplinary action which may take place against the subcontractor in accordance with organisational policy and operational guidelines if these instructions are not followed.
• Advise the subcontractor of the feedback and appeals system in place which provides subcontractors with an opportunity to challenge any review outcomes

The assessor will be taking notes during the role-plays to record the discussions.
Your assessor will also be using this opportunity to further question you on your knowledge on the selection and management of building and construction contractors.
He/she will be recording your responses to the questions asked.

In order to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment, you will be required to:
• implement an effective and efficient management of the system of subcontractor appointments to meet project timeframes
• discuss performance review outcomes and compliance with contract requirements
• demonstrate remedial or disciplinary action for below standard subcontractor performance
• advise subcontractors of their right to access feedback and appeals systems
• communicate clearly to confirm your knowledge of the selection and management of building and construction contractors
These role plays will take place during the third class of week 2.

Part C
Using the subcontractor evaluation template you developed in Assessment 2 Part A, you are now required to carry out an evaluation of subcontractor performance and compliance with contract requirements with both of the subcontractors which you selected in Assessment 1 Part C. Your assessor will be playing the parts of the painting and plastering subcontractors.

You are required to carry out the following:

Evaluation 1 - Plasterer

• Discuss with the subcontractor the terms of engagement set out in the contract provided in Assessment 1 Part C
• Carry out your evaluation of performance & contract compliance using the template you developed in Part A
• Discuss the review outcomes with the subcontractor.
• Advise that the subcontractors performance is not to the required standard as the work is behind schedule which means the date of practical completion specified in the contract may not be met.
• Ask the subcontractor why such delays have occurred
• Based on the causes of the delay, advise the subcontractor of the consequences, as per the contract.

Evaluation 2 - Painter

• Discuss with the subcontractors the terms of engagement set out in the contract provided in Assessment 1 Part C
• Carry out your evaluation of performance & contract compliance using the template you developed in Part A
• Discuss the review outcomes with the subcontractor.
• Decide that the subcontractors performance is not to the required standard as specified in contract
• Advise the subcontractor that his/her contract is being terminated with 2 weeks' notice
• Advise the subcontractor of the feedback and appeals system in place
• Take the necessary action to officially advise the contractor of his termination
• Attach evidence of the action taken and submit to your assessor by end of week two.

In order to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment, you will be required to:
• Evaluate subcontractor performance and compliance with contract requirements
• Demonstrate a clear understanding of the systems used to evaluate performance
• Discuss outcomes and consequences of performance evaluations


Question 1. Define Industrial Relations Policy

Question 2. What measures should be taken to achieve enhanced industrial relations? Name 4

Question 3. True or False?

Please tick True False

  • 1. The Workplace Relations Act 1996 is still in its original form.
  • 2. Equal Opportunities only relates to difference in sex.
  • 3. Discriminatory legislation is placed both at the State and Federal levels
  • 4. All staff are covered by awards.
  • 5. The minimum wage is determined by the State
  • 6. The Workplace Relations Act largely overturned the Australian collective bargaining award and conciliation and arbitration system.
  • 7. WHS legislation is only found at the Federal Level
    8. An industrial instrument is an award, certified agreement and workplace agreement
  • 9. Management support for Industrial Relations policy makes it much easier to implement
  • 10. Grievances should be dealt with promptly
  • 11. Former policies can be destroyed.
  • 12. Trust is not most important in industrial relations
  • 13. An Industrial Relations Strategy may be oral.
  • 14. Collective Bargaining has led to problems with organisational competitiveness

Question 4. What is the difference between a contract and a workplace agreement?

Question 5 What should be considered when selecting subcontracting personnel?

Question 6 What contract type/s would you use for hiring the services of sub-contractors?
Outline the main points that would be included in the contract.

Question 7 What are the documents that you as a project manager need from the sub-contractors before they start on construction site?

Question 8 List five things that may be considered in evaluating a subcontractor's performance.

Question 9 Which trades are currently licensed in Victoria?

Attachment:- manage building and construction contractors.rar

Verified Expert

The task was about selecting and managing building and construction contractors where we were able to create project schedule, operational profile, reference checks etc also we were able to create a subcontractor management plan, as well as the evalutions done on various selected subcontractors

Reference no: EM132829782

Questions Cloud

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Should accept the offer of the prospective buyer : Risk-free investment (the short-term government bond) currently yield a 2% annual rate of return. Should you accept the offer of the prospective buyer?
CPCCBC5005A Select and manage building and construction : CPCCBC5005A Select and manage building and construction contractors Assignment Help and Solution, Oceania Polytechnic Institute of Education - Assessment
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Implementing social media plan : Details a plan for implementing the social media or other solutions outlined in the proposal.


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