Reference no: EM132488751 , Length: word count:1500
CPCCBC4005A Produce labour and material schedules for ordering - Unity School of Education
Assessment 1: Find the heritage overlay relevant to the site and produce a report for the client. (Maximum 250 words)
Using the information supplied in the project documents; determine the heritage overlay requirements for the site. Next, produce a report for the client that details any changes that will have to be made to the plans, because of the information found in the heritage overlay.
Assessment 2: Prepare a schedule for the framing of the building. (Maximum of 700 words)
Create two call forward sheets (using the template provided) for material orders for the site. Each sheet must be for a different order.
For your work team to be able to use the sheet effectively, it must contain information regarding:
a) The orders required from each supplier
b) Name of the nominated supplier (refer to the supplier list)
c) Any special instructions required regarding storage and delivery
Assessment 3: Create two call forward sheets. (Maximum of 500 words)
Create two call forward sheets (using the template provided) for material orders for the site. Each sheet must be for a different order.
For your work team to be able to use the sheet effectively, it must contain information regarding:
a) The orders required from each supplier
b) Name of the nominated supplier (refer to the supplier list)
c) Any special instructions required regarding storage and delivery
Assessment 4: Incorporate client variations into the project documents. (Maximum of 500 words)
The client has requested that the ceramic tiles in the bathrooms, kitchen and laundry be replaced with marble.
Now that the project requirements have been changed, you will need to do the following:
a) Produce a new schedule for this stage of the build, which incorporates the variation
b) Estimate the cost of the variation, including labour and materials
c) Update the plans to include the changes
d) Update the specifications lists to ensure that the new materials are listed
e) Prepare an itemised final cost estimate for the laundry, using the project plans
Assessment 5: Meet with the construction manager, in a role play.
In a meeting with the construction manager (to be played by the assessor), present the new plans (from assessment 4) and analyse the cost. You will need to discuss both the tangible and intangible costs of the variation, with reference to your site file.
This meeting is to assess the positives and negatives of completing the variation that the client requested, and analyse the variation's effect on the cost of the whole project.
Your assessor will be looking for:
• Consideration of labour and material costs
• Evidence that the site file contains all information relevant to the project
• Analysis of the cost of the variation, and the variation's effect on the final cost of the project
Assessment 6:
Question 1 What is a prime cost item?
Question 2 What is a provisional sum?
Question 3 What is an independent contractor?
Question 4 What are three structures that are protected under the Heritage Act 1995?
Question 5 What two factors may change the slab height (above finished ground level)?
Question 6 Under what circumstance would a subsoil drainage system be required?
Question 7 List three differences between an employee and a subcontractor.
Question 8 What is a nominated subcontractor?
Question 9 What are 2 elements required in a footing plan?
Question 10 Which of the following is not included in a site plan?
A. The size of the site
B. The location of true north
C. Location of existing fencing
D. Floor finishes
Attachment:- Produce labour and material schedules for ordering.rar