CP1406 Web Design and Development Assignment

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM133132308

CP1406 Web Design and Development - James Cook University

Project Plan and Small Website

This assignment involves two parts, to be implemented as Web pages and submitted as described below.

1. Project Plan

2. Small Website

Your (fictional) client for the assignment has provided an introductory email containing a description of their goals and some text content for the site they would like you to develop.

Your task is to turn this into a clear useful Winn and a small functional

Project Plan:
Write your project plan so that it is a useful working document to guide your development. Carefully consider the description provided by the client to inform your planning. Complete the plan by editing the plan.html template file provided inside the "Assessment 1 folder", which contains the following required sections:

Concisely state what the goal (purpose) of the website is. Note that the mission must be to improve something in a measurable way. To "provide information about something" is not a good mission, since you cannot see a measurable improvement. Why is the site needed? How does it benefit the client? Be clear and specific. Good mission statements are usually only a few sentences and contain no unnecessary information.

Success Evaluation
Describe the process(es) by which the site success will be evaluated. Note that "hits" only counts people (or robots) visiting your website, which says nothing about whether the sitehas achieved its mission. How do you know that the site does what the client wanted?
Measure the mission you stated above.

Target Audience
Describe two things clearly and specifically:
1. the target audience that your site is intended for (be specific; you can't aim for everyone)
2. how you will intentionally design the site to cater to this group (as distinct from another, different target audience).

Site Flowchart
Create a site flowchart to show the hierarchy of pages in the site and their relationships. Each page should be represented by one box.
The order of boxes is the order these links should appear on the site.

Small Website:
Design and develop a small website for the client. Use your project planning (goal, target audience, flowchart) to inform and guide your design.
• Use all the text content provided by the client (but NOT the description about goals that they have provided for you, the developer).
• Edit the text content, which comes "as is" from the client, to make it suitable for the website. You are welcome and encouraged to write some amount of additional text to benefit the site, as appropriate. But don't just make stuff up that might not be true.
• Think about the information architecture (organisation) and decide what content should go on what pages to best achieve the site goals.
• You must develop the site from scratch yourself. You may NOT use existing templates or frameworks (including Bootstrap or similar).

Although it is up to you exactly what goes in the site and how/where, you should have at least the following elements:
• HTML Pages name your home page file index.html
• Navigation links between pages and to the external sites provided (no broken links).
• CSS - you should use an external style sheet for most/all styling.
• Images make appropriate use of the images for your site (consider editing, resizing, cropping, compression, etc.)

Reference no: EM133132308

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