Cover topic of usability in the field of interface design

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Reference no: EM13775901

e-Activity: Use the Internet to locate two articles that cover the topic of universal usability in the field of interface design. Be prepared to discuss.

Q-1 Imagine you are managing a design project that will create an interface for automobile mechanics. The interface would be used by the mechanics to look up various fixes and parts for any number of makes or models of automobiles that may come through their garage. Decide what usability measures would be most motivating when designing this interface and describe the unique challenges you would have to plan for when designing an interface for an automotive repair shop. Use supporting evidence to support your response.

Q-2 Physical, cognitive, perceptual, personality, and cultural differences introduce challenges when designing universally usable products. Choose one area from the list above and describe why it is the biggest challenge to overcome when creating universally usable designs. Support your response.

"Goal Setting" Please respond to the following:

Q-3 Early computers were only usable by experts with strong technical knowledge. Examine how interactive systems have changed throughout the years to accommodate average users and describe two advantages and two disadvantages associated with these changes.

Q-4 From the e-Activity, examine the two articles you selected on universal usability and discuss one topic of interest that was addressed

Reference no: EM13775901

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