Courthouse security is usually handled by

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Reference no: EM133582888


1. Courthouse security is usually handled by:

a. private detectives
b. state police
c. sheriff's officers
d. private security

2. How can prosecutors stop the system from operating efficiently?

a. review charging decisions
b. seek the death penalty more frequently
c. not offer any plea bargains
d. argue at sentencing

3. In lower court defendants fit into 1 of 5 boxes, which is not one of those boxes:

a. death penalty
b. dismissal
c. fines and fees
d. probation

4. Prosecutor's decisions can __________ by supervisors.

a. not made
b. be made
c. none of the above
d. reviewed by the mayor or

5. How can prosecutors stop the system from operating efficiently?

a. review charging decisions
b. seek the death penalty more frequently
c. not offer any plea bargains
d. argue at sentencing

6. When negotiating a plea bargain, prosecution and defense usually _________ the judges acceptance of the deal.

a. disregard
b. forget to consider
c. disrespect
d. anticipate

7. How can defense counsel stop the system from operating efficiently?

a. object to plea bargains
b. motions to suppress
c. object at sentencing
d. take every case to trial

8. Defense counsel's decisions are ________ by supervisors.

a. reviewed
b. made
c. frequently criticized
d. not made by

9. Which of the following is least likely to be a cause of delay in a criminal case?

a. prosecution unable to produce evidence
b. defendants unwilling to take plea
c. judges being distracted
d. lack of resources

10. Courtrooms for civil cases are _____ to ones with criminal cases?

Reference no: EM133582888

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