Court case contributing the government in us

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Reference no: EM1339602

Marbury v. Madison was a major subject that diffused a foremost interest to many common Americans. Many people were intrigue with its circumstances and also animated to see the outcome or the results. William Marbury was promised to become the Justice of the Peace by John Adams in his "midnight appointments" prior to his departure as the president but could not retain such position once James Madison took office as the Secretary of State under tHomas Jefferson (Foner, 2012). Marbury filed a lawsuit that was mediated by Chief Justice John Marshall which later the Supre Court decided that despite its support of Marbury and the ethics he represented, that using the Supreme Court for such matter was unconstitutional. Fletcher v. Peck was another popular and controversial Supreme Court case which favored Fletcher's claim that previous acts passed concerning any land grants or property rights cannot be taken away by land companies (Foner, 2012). McCullogh v. Maryland in which Maryland imposed taxes on all banks including bank notes in which the judgment supported McCullough's appeal that for not complying with Maryland Law (Foner 2012).

In this discussion:

Describe an important court case from the early 19th century such as Marbury v. Madison, Fletcher v. Peck or McCulloch v. Maryland, etc. Explain why your chosen case was important in developing the system of government in the United States. Be sure to support your points with references to your readings.

1) Describe the development of the U.S. economy in the early 19th century.

2) Examine the development of America's foreign policy.

3) Analyze the major court cases that shaped the American judicial system.

4) Evaluate the Jackson administration and the evolution of the government established by the Founding Fathers.

5) Explain mounting sectional differences.

Reference no: EM1339602

Questions Cloud

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