Reference no: EM131334789
Please answer the following two question based on the course outline and the text professor required. (around400 words each question)
1. Explain and discuss some of the roles other societies outside of Europe played in the economic rise of Western Europe, 500-1750.
2. Answer Yali's Question for the 500-1750 period: Why did economic wealth and power in the world economy in this period become distributed the way it did, rather than in some other way?
Here is the course outline and text required:
1. Introduction to World Economic History to 1800
2. The First Economic Revolution: The Agricultural Revolution 10000-4000BC
3. The Economic Rise and Decline of Ancient Civilizations, 4000BC-500AD
4. The Medieval World Economy 500-1500
5. The Early Modern World Economy and the Ascent of the West 1500-1750 6. The Second Economic Revolution: The Industrial Revolution 1750-1800
Required Text for this course:
Ian Morris, Why the West Rules - For Now: The Patterns of History and What TheyReveal About the Future. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 2010
Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. New York:Norton, 1999Robert
Allen, The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective: Cambridge UK:Cambridge University Press, 2009