Reference no: EM132413951
Assignment: COUN 500 Orientation to Counselor Professional Identity And Function, Liberty University
Counselor Impairment Paper Instructions: In preparation for the Counselor Impairment Paper and by completing your textbook readings you will be equipped to write a paper that describes relationships with other counselors and the prevention of impairment (Syllabus MLOs: A, B, C, D, I and Module/Week 6 LOs: 1, 3, 4, 5).
In more recent years, the American Counseling Association (ACA) has recognized that professional counselors, like all helping professions, are at a higher risk for burnout, vicarious trauma, and impairment.
In addition to the textbook readings, visit the American Counseling Association website and it's journal, VISTAS, and read the following articles:
Ahia, C.E. & Boccone, P.J. (2017). Licensure board actions against professional counselors: Implicationsfor counselor training.VISTAS.
Hunter, S.T. (2016). Beyond the breaking point: Examining the pieces of counselor burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondhand depression. VISTAS.
Lawson, G. & Venart, B. (2005). Preventing counselor impairment: Vulnerability, wellness, and resilience. VISTAS.
Write a 3-5-page paper on counselor impairment making sure to properly cite within your paper all sources you consult for information in current APA format. Your paper must be in current APA format (including a running head, title page, abstract, and reference page). The abstract must provide a brief, but detailed, overview of the paper in 150-250 words. The title page, abstract, and reference page do not contribute toward the page requirement. Note, this paper is to be written in 3rd person.
• Definition of Impairment (this should include a discussion of how and why counselors become impaired, what that impairment looks like, and how it can impact the practice of counseling).
• Implications of Impairment (this should include a discussion of ethical misconduct, specifically noting the most frequently occurring ethical violations in your state [the article will give some guidance but you are also strongly encouraged to research this on your state's counseling board website])
• Impairment Prevention (this should include a discussion of what can counselors do to protect against impairment)