COUN 6626 Research Methodology and Program Evaluation

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Reference no: EM132410598

Assignment: COUN 6626 Research Methodology and Program Evaluation, Walden University

As a counselor, you have the potential to work with a variety of client populations and mental health issues. Even the most seasoned clinicians have an ethical responsibility to stay abreast of the most current trends in the field. A great source of information is professional counseling literature. It gives you access to up to date empirical evidence and treatment options.

For this Discussion, you will make your first effort to review a peer-reviewed, scholarly article and consider how the information can help you shape the course of treatment for an identified client.

To Prepare

• Review the four Final Project Case Studies found in the Learning Resources for this week and select a case study for this Discussion based on your counseling specialization You will have the option to use the same case study for your final project or choose a different one.

• Choose one client in the case study and one mental health issue that you would address in counseling.

• Choose one intervention you are interested in learning more about to work with the issues you identified in the case study you selected.

• Review the Learning Resources related to research and how to search the Walden Library for specific information related to your topic.

• Search the Walden Library and select one article specific to an intervention for your case study. Note: You will use this article to create a citation in your post as well as a reference for the article.

Post: The case study you selected, the client and mental health issue you identified, and the intervention you selected for treating the issue in counseling.

• Explain the findings of the article and how the research article results match or were different from what you expected to find.

• Did your findings change your perception about the intervention?

• Would you choose to use this intervention with your client in the case study based on the contents of the article?

• Cite content from the article you identified to support your post. Also, include a reference for this article in your post.

• Attach a PDF of the article to your post .

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and identify current relevant literature to support your work.

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- CaseStudies.rar

Reference no: EM132410598

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