Reference no: EM132798349
Assignment: Chapter 6 Bipolar Disorder
Using the textbook formats found in the appendix C respond to the following prompts and then provide feedback to two peers: Choose one of the case study's found in the back of the chapter. Case 1 Ms. Daniels OR Case 2 Mr. Jackson.
1. Identify your case. Given the case information, prepare the following:
• a full diagnosis,
• the rationale for the diagnosis,
• additional information you would have wanted to know in order to make a more accurate diagnosis.
2. Formulate a risk and resilience assessment for the COURSE OF THE DISORDER including the strengths that you see for this individual. Use the format for the table found in Appendix C found on pages 231 & 232 in the Corcoran textbook
Chapter 7 Major Depressive Disorder
1. Provide a full diagnosis for the case study of Tammy found in the beginning of the chapter. Identify the rationale for your diagnosis.
2. Answer the following questions
• Could substances account for the depressive symptoms? Explain your answer, why or why not?
• Could Tammy's medication for her MS be contributing to the depression? Explain your answer, why or why not?
• Could Tammy's medical condition be responsible for the depressive symptoms? Explain your answer, why or why not?
• Is a substance-related diagnosis warranted? Explain your answer, why or why not?