Could qualitative improve quantitative methods such survey

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131005325

Unit III Case Study Read the "Marketing Research in Action" case analysis titled "Reaching Hispanics through Qualitative Research" at the end of Chapter 4 on pages 99-100. In a minimum of 300 words each, answer the four questions at the end of the case.

1. Should marketing researchers working with Latinos concentrate solely on qualitative research? Explain your answer.

2. Could qualitative research be used to improve quantitative methods such as survey? Explain your answer.

3. What challenges do researchers face in conducting research with the Latino market place online? How can researchers minimize the effects of these difficulties?

4. Think of one or two cultures or subcultures with which you are at least somewhat familiar. Would qualitative research be especially useful for these cultures? Why or why not?

Course Textbook Hair, J. F., Jr., Wolfinbarger Celsi, M., Ortinau, D. J. & Bush, R. P. (2013). Essentials of marketing research (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Reference no: EM131005325

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