Reference no: EM131103300
For this assignment, you will need to create an Excel spreadsheet that summarizes the data collection you have completed. The spreadsheet should indicate the date on which particular data were collected, the source of the data collected, the type of data (qualitative or quantitative), and a one or two sentence summary of the data findings.
Part 1:
The first step in data collection is to conduct research. You are looking for specific, measurable data (statistics and numbers) related how the problem is affecting the organization. This information should be recorded in the form of a chart or graph that presents the data so key decision makers can see the "cost" of failing to address the problem. Use the Topic Materials for assistance with creating Excel graphs and charts that can be used to illustrate your findings.
Part 2:
Next, conduct additional research to learn what has already been done to address this problem within the organization. Ask questions and interview individuals who assisted with the implementation of previous solutions used to address the problem. Prior to meeting with individuals, develop a list of questions about previous solutions. Consider factors such as customer importance, efficiency, quality, employee satisfaction, and cost effectiveness. You will want to make sure you ask questions that allow you to gather measurable data and include information about how successful previous solution options were in addressing each of the problems. When you have completed your research, the findings should be summarized using at least one chart or graph that represents the data you have collected. Use the Topic Materials for assistance with creating Excel graphs and charts that can be used to illustrate your findings.
Part 3:
The last step in determining potential solutions is to conduct external research. Using Internet and industry resources, research ways that other companies have addressed this issue or one very similar to it. Look for specific information related to the customer response, efficiency, quality, employee satisfaction, and cost effectiveness of solutions others have implemented. Find at least five potential solutions you can consider for solving the problem you have identified. Your goal in conducting this research is to find practical examples and measurable data related to how other companies and related industries have resolved the same problem or one very similar to it. When you have completed your research, the findings should be summarized using at least one chart or graph that represents the data you have collected. Use the Topic Materials for assistance with creating Excel graphs and charts that can be used to illustrate your findings.
Problem research to be based on:
- There is an ongoing loss of instructional time in the classrooms due to teachers having to deal with behavior problems from students. Behavior students remain in the classroom causing a distraction to other students as well as taking away instructional time from teacher having to constantly redirect or stop bad behaviors. There is a lack of staff and resources available to help with the behavior in the school. There is an opportunity for grades and testing scores to rise if teachers had help with behavior problems if the school implemented an alternative campus based suspension program. This program would be run by a certified teacher so that students can still receive educational instruction and the absentee rates do not drop if students are still technically in school.
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