Cosmopolitan and multicultural environment

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133231183

We live in a city, NYC, which is unique by its cosmopolitan and multicultural environment, with people from different parts of the world, along with their social structures, cultures and heritage. Indeed, NYC provides a great, rich opportunity for a sociologist to make observations and conduct research. In this exercise, imagine yourself as a sociologist/researcher, and tell us what social/cultural/political/economic, and the like, characteristics you observe as unique to NYC, in a way that is different from other parts of the U.S and/or other parts of the world. In other words, let us hear how NYC presents itself to you as a social environment that is unique and worth conducting research on.

Reference no: EM133231183

Questions Cloud

Four levels of measurement in criminal justice research : What are the four levels of measurement in criminal justice research and why must they be reliable? Cite an article that is three years old or less.
Individual rights and social order : Throughout the term, this course has focused on the concepts of individual rights as protected under the Bill of Rights, as well as the role of the legal system
Effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in prison : What are some of the ethical issues that may occur during the research of sensitive topics like, the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in prison(s)? Do t
Explain why the crime is either a felony or misdemeanor : Crimes can be broken into three major categories: felonies and misdemeanors
Cosmopolitan and multicultural environment : Which is unique by its cosmopolitan and multicultural environment, with people from different parts of the world, along with their social structures,
Localization strategy and transnational strategy : Provide one example for each of the four strategies: global standardization strategy, localization strategy, transnational strategy,
Find a company with a different pricing strategy : Find a company with a different pricing strategy. Identify the strategy and its success or failure in your own opinion
Define cruel and unusual punishment : The Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Define cruel and unusual punishment.
Completion of the proposed program : You have just begun work in the field of your choice when your new supervisor asks you to think about a grant proposal that the department may pursue.


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