Correlation or relationship between two variables

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM1395486

This is a three part question.

We say that two things have a positive relationship if they move in the same direction, or as one thing increases, so does the other. Or if one thing decreases, so does the other. For example, a child's age and her dress size have a positive relationship. As the child's age increases, so does her dress size. Some more examples would be

The more I study, the higher my grades.

The more I eat, the more I weigh.

The more I say, "I love you" to my boyfriend, the more stuff he buys me.

Can someone give me some more examples of two variables that have a positive relationship?

When two variables move in the opposite direction, we describe the relationship as being inverse, or negative. That is, as one thing increases, the other decreases. For example, the more clothes I buy the less closet space I have. Or the more I drive my car, the less gas I have in my tank. Can someone please give me an example of two variables that have an inverse or negative relationship in every day life?

Sometimes, two variables do not have a relationship - although we think that they might. If I tried to correlate IQ and weight on a scattergram, I would probably end up with plot points all over the place. Sometimes, a non-existent relationship is obvious.
For example, one would expect no relationship between the color of a person's eyes and their ability to recite poetry. Name two variables where no relationship exists.....try to think of an obvious pair and try to think of two variables that people probably think have a relationship, but you think they do not. This is tough!!

Reference no: EM1395486

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