Corporation must be redefined as creating shared value

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132269488

1. Each of us has a unique perspective in how we see the world. How have your studies and diverse life experiences led you to the decision to study business? What distinctive perspective will you bring to our program, and how will this perspective positively impact your classmates?(500 Words)

2. "The purpose of the corporation must be redefined as creating shared value, not just profit per se" (Porter and Kramer, 2011:64). Critically discuss whether and how firms should follow this advice. Illustrate your answer using Esquel case study

3. Are there any international laws that will apply when a company starts selling its electronic products internationally? Please explain answer in a couple paragraphs.

Reference no: EM132269488

Questions Cloud

Number of units at which either choice has the same cost : Bill Snyder is a manufacturer of automated robots for automobile assembly. The number of units at which either choice has the same cost is ?
Define old spice business partnerships : Define Old Spice's business partnerships. Does Old Spice have any current partnerships? What other company/brand may be a good partner for them?
Leadership varies widely by culture and personality : Leadership varies widely by culture and personality. Would the consideration be different if the company expanded into Japan?
How feminism has also affected the interactions : Many positive changes have come about because of feminism and ideas about gender equality. At the same time, some practical complexities occur.
Corporation must be redefined as creating shared value : "The purpose of the corporation must be redefined as creating shared value, not just profit per se" (Porter and Kramer, 2011:64).
She has never owned a business before : You have a friend that wants to open a bakery (cookies and small cakes) in Stedman, NC. She has never owned a business before, but is really good at baking.
Did you think the meeting was useful : Did you think the meeting was useful? Did the meeting resolve any issues? How many people attended the meeting?
Financials and operating procedures : You went to school with a guy whose grandfather started a used car lot in Fayetteville, NC. The company has stayed in the family all these years.
Summarize the selected case study in a paragraph : First, give the link and summarize the case study in a paragraph. (Please do not copy and paste the case study into your post.)


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