Reference no: EM132725589
1. If you compare Microsoft and Apple side-by-side, by any measure of business success (market capitalization, stock price, dividends, market ownership), Microsoft is much more successful. Nonetheless, Steve Jobs has been characterized as a great leader, but Bill Gates has not been so defined. In your opinion, why?
2. A couple of years ago, Walgreen's announced a plan to move its corporate headquarters overseas to avoid corporate taxes. The estimated savings was estimated at $2 billion a year. Walgreen's stated that the move was in the best interest of its stockholders despite that fact that the move would result in the loss of a few jobs in the United States.
After the announcement, its stock price increased 12%. However, Walgreen's suffered a lot of abuse in traditional and social media. One week later, Walgreen's acquiesced and announced the cancellation of these plans. Its stock price fell.
While the debate over corporations moving offshore is political, there were clear business advantages. Do you believe that Walgreen's first decision was ethical? Why do you think Walgreen's management reversed course?
3. In May 2015, a business owner by the name of Dan Price changed his firm's pay policy. Here decided to pay every employee the same salary, $70,000. He even reduced his million dollar salary to that amount. His firm has experienced consequences that he did not foresee.
a. What theories that we have addressed in this course might have given him insight into the consequences of his action?
b. What would these theories have predicted?
4. What is the purpose of continuous process improvement?
5. Describe your understanding of "autonomy, mastery, and purpose."
6. Do you consider yourself a "Type I" or a "Type X" person? Why?
7. What organizational structure do you consider the best? Why?
Designing a database
: Describe how field names should be defined in the database. Why is it not a good to assign field names such as field1, field2, field3, and so on?
People and organizations are responsible for the results
: As stated in the text, "people and organizations are responsible for the results, good or bad, of the use of IT".
Who owns the goods in transit under fob shipping point
: Which documents is prepared when issuing semi-expendable property to end-users? Who owns the goods in transit under FOB shipping point?
Create job description for it manager
: Based on what you've learned throughout the course, analyze the role of the IT manager in business and create a job description for an IT Manager.
Corporate headquarters overseas to avoid corporate taxes
: A couple of years ago, Walgreen's announced a plan to move its corporate headquarters overseas to avoid corporate taxes.
Analyse the important factors in the business environment
: Analyse the important factors in the business environment of a large multinational retailer. You should Identify and justify clear objectives, formulate company
Find touchdown sports inc decision to use the eoq
: You are the Chief Financial Officer, evaluate Touchdown Sports Inc's decision to use the EOQ model as part of its approach to the management of inventories.
What are the key tasks and responsibilities this employee
: What are the key tasks and responsibilities this employee would be expected to perform. What are the employee competencies needed for this position? Why?
What development expense in the current year by nop
: What amount should be reported as research and development expense in the current year by NOP, OPN and PNO, RESPECTIVELY?