Corporate entrepreneurship oxymoron

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133088924


Discuss whether the term "corporate entrepreneurship" an oxymoron? Can corporations-especially large ones-be innovative? Support your answer with examples.

Use the Internet to find an example of two corporate innovations-one brought about through autonomous strategic behavior and one developed through induced strategic behavior. Which innovation seems to hold the most promise for commercial success and why?

Reference no: EM133088924

Questions Cloud

Standardized across nations-intellectual property : Is product liability a legal concept that is standardized across nations? Intellectual property?
Related diversification : Related Diversification. Related Diversification is the most popular distinction between the different types of diversification
Organization demographics : An organization's demographics are an important factor to consider for its business strategies. What are the current demographics?
Modeling these traits : How well are you modeling these traits? Are you still hanging onto old characteristics or sins or trying to be clothed in both the old and new at the time?
Corporate entrepreneurship oxymoron : Discuss whether the term "corporate entrepreneurship" an oxymoron? Can corporations-especially large ones-be innovative?
Systems perspective in analyzing organizational conditions : Choose an organizational development concept or theory. Use a systems perspective in analyzing organizational conditions
Treatment planning process : Why is it necessary to include the client in the treatment planning process?
Identifying the effective leadership styles : Organizations are now even more concerned with identifying the effective leadership styles necessary to motivate employees in uncertain conditions
Some reflection on how your perspective : Provide some reflection on how your perspective of your leader changed as your analysis deepened and your exploration became more sophisticated.


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