Reference no: EM132683580
Case Study
The overall aims of the Case Study is:
• Contribute to documenting and increasing knowledge on corporate accountability and transparency
• Engage and inspire business students in understanding real-life application of integrity, ethics, responsibility, governance, transparency and accountability within a business context
• Improve the links between business students and companies
• Reward student capability and performance
• Recognise companies with accountable and transparent business practices
• A team can be up to 3 students
• Written Case Study (target between 1000 - 4000 words) in English
• The Case Study should describe an example of a fully implemented good practice within a company on Integrity-related policies such as:
o Anti-corruption policies o Third party due diligence o Ethical labour practices o Anti-money laundering
• The Case Study can be on any corporate organization based in the Gulf Region (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE), including state-owned entities, listed companies, private companies, family businesses, and small and medium-sized enterprises
• Plagiarised case studies will automatically be subject to disqualification. Properly cited sources ensure plagiarism is avoided
• Student teams should collect information for the Case Study through secondary research of data in the public domain.
• Students should contact the company profiled directly and interview the relevant responsible executives.
• Student teams should submit their case studies according to the university deadline.
• For reference a case study template is at the end of this brief. For examples of Case Studies (see the file on Moodle)
Criteria for Assessment of Case Studies
The following criteria will be used to assess the submitted Case Studies. Submissions will be scored against these three equally weighted criteria,
1. Is the Case Study a leading example of a fully implemented integrity-related practice, according to the frameworks?
2. Has the team rigorously researched the company practice, using secondary and primary data gathering, including interviews with company executives?
3. Is the Case Study structured according to the template and written comprehensively, concisely and clearly?
Writing a Case Study on Integrity-Related Practices
The focus is on an integrity-related practice such as:
Anti-corruption and bribery Ethical labor practices
Anti-money laundering Third party due diligence
To qualify as a good practice case study in integrity-related policies, all of these boxes must be ticked. The company must have:
» A written policy related to the integrity practice
» A clear process for embedding the policy/practice within the organization
» A mechanism or process for identifying and reporting the issues pertaining to the practice within the organization
» A mechanism or process for enforcing the practice
» The practice in place for at least a year
Case Study Template - Integrity-Related Practices
Company Name: [full name]
Headquarters: [city, country]
Sector: [sector]
Number of employees: [number, excluding subcontractors]
Annual gross revenue: [US$ and local currency; if disclosed]
Status: [listed, private or government owned]
Name of company executive interviewed:
E -mail:
Phone number:
Date of interview:
Company Description
In this section, please flesh out the above information, adding company history, geographic scope, range of operations, and business sector.
Description of the Integrity-related practice:
In this section, please describe the company's specific integrity-related practice. This should include:
- Brief description of the practice
- Drivers for applying the specific practice (can be from various reasons such as but not limited to cost reduction, new employees/leadership, existing company values, host community or government encouragement, press coverage, or investor requirements
Policy Development
In this section, please describe how the company developed the policy. This should include:
- Brief description of the policy
- Process transforming the idea into a policy (such as key individuals in the organisation responsible with developing the policy, resources used, external guides consulted)
- Level of stakeholder engagement in development of the policy
(Please attach the policy or include it as an on-line link if applicable)
Process for Embedding the Practice within the Organisation
In this section, please describe how the company embedded the practice within the company. This should include:
- The various means that the company used to embed the practice within the organisation, for example through the use of training or change in tone from leadership and so on
- How each of the above means were implemented in detail, for example if training was used, it can include how the training was performed (through use of online software, informal sessions, external training programs), how were the trainers selected, who ran the training, how were the training materials developed, how was the training customised for each department and so on
- The key challenges that the company faced in the implementation of the practice and how this was overcome
- Explain (if applicable) how the practice was extended throughout the supply chain
Identification and Reporting of Issues
In this section, please describe how the company identified and reported the issues for the practice within the company.
This should include:
- Description of the mechanisms that have been placed for the identification and reporting of issues, for example a whistle-blowing system, help desks, hotlines and so on
- Description of how the mechanism works, why it was selected and how it was implemented
- Explain how the information gained from using the mechanism was reported and to whom
In this section, please describe how the company ensured the enforcement of the practice within the company. This should include:
- The actions that the company is taking and process it is using to ensure enforcement
- Describe who is responsible for the enforcement of the practice (it can be a team of selected individuals, use of external auditors, an individual such as the compliance officer and so on)
Lessons Learned
In this section, please describe the lessons learned in this case study.
Please write it in a format to show what are the key lessons in this case that are vital for other regional companies to learn from when implementing such a practice.
In this section, please include all of the references you used when producing the case study.
Attachment:- CASE STUDY.rar