Reference no: EM13161105
This lab introduces the logical operators AND, OR, and NOT in a menu driven application program.
- Copy and paste the code below in a filename LastFirst_lab43.cpp (e.g. DoeJoe_lab43.cpp) and save it in Lab 4 folder.
- Bring in the LastFirst_lab43.cpp program from the Lab 3 folder.
- How could you rewrite gpa >= 2.0 in the first if statement using the NOT operator?
- Could you replace year !='4' in the else if statement with year < 4 or year <= 3? Why or why not?
- Take a screen shot of the output. Save it in a filename LastFirst_lab43.doc (e.g. DoeJoe_lab43.doc)
- If you replace
if ( gpa >= 2.0 && year == '4') with if ( gpa >= 2.0 || year == '4') and
replace else if ( year != '4'|| gpa < 2.0) with
else if ( year != '4' && gpa < 2.0) which students
will graduate and which will not graduate according to
this new program? Does this handle
all cases (i.e., all combinations of year and gpa)?
- Take a screen shot of the output. Insert it in LastFirst_lab43.doc.
- Could you replace else if ( year != '4'|| gpa < 2.0) with the single word else?
- Take a screen shot of the output. Insert it in LastFirst_lab43.doc.
- Submit both the revised LastFirst_lab43.cpp and LastFirst_lab43.doc by uploading them here.
The following is the code to be used:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char year;
float gpa;
cout << "What year student are you ?" << endl;
cout << "Enter 1 (freshman), 2 (sophomore), 3 (junior),
or 4 (senior)" << endl << endl; cin >> year;
cout << "Now enter your GPA" << endl;
cin >> gpa;
if (gpa >= 2.0 && year == '4')
cout << "It is time to graduate soon" << endl;
else if (year != '4'|| gpa <2.0)
cout << "You need more schooling" << endl;
return 0;