Reference no: EM131042900
Alliance Management as a Profession
According to your text, “a cooperative strategy is a means by which firms collaborate for the purpose of working together to achieve a shared objective. Cooperating with other firms is a strategy firms use to create value for a customer that it likely could not create by itself.” This describes the end state and not the mechanics upon which firms rely to achieve a successful alliance partnership. So is there a career in alliance management?
This is an individual assignment and one in which you can learn more about strategic alliance as a career path to compliment your budding knowledge of the field. Begin by researching strategic alliance professionals in your library and on the Internet. You should also interview a strategic alliance management professional. You can find them through either firms that undertake alliances or consulting firms that assist them. Start your research by answering the following questions:
1. Find any trade associations of organizations or professionals that are aligned with the field.
2. Does the work get done mainly through in-company personnel or consulting firms?
3. What are the benefits, and downsides, to a career in strategic alliance management?
4. Are there entry level positions or is experience required to get into the field?
5. Put together, does this profession have an appeal to you personally? Why or why not?
Particular element or aspect of the value chain
: Is there a particular element or aspect of the value chain that you feel is absolutely critical and if little emphasis is given to it the entire chain is doomed to failure? Why do you feel that way? Would you cite a real life example displaying this?
Developing a multinational sporting goods corporation
: In every chapter of this text, some of the key concepts are illustrated with an application to a small sporting goods firm that conducts international business. These "Small Business Dilemma" features allow students to recognize the dilemmas and p..
Potential conflict situation in criminal justice setting
: Describe a potential conflict situation in a criminal justice setting. Suggest possible ways this conflict could be managed. Also, describe what you believe the role of a criminal justice administrator should be in such a situation, and why. Is there..
Procedures are involved in debit-card transaction
: On April 20, while visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Michael Dowdell, Carol Farrow asked Dowdell to fix her car. She gave him her keys, attached to which was a small wallet containing her debit card. Dowdell repaired her car and returned the keys..
Cooperative strategy is means by which firms collaborate
: According to your text, “a cooperative strategy is a means by which firms collaborate for the purpose of working together to achieve a shared objective. Cooperating with other firms is a strategy firms use to create value for a customer that it likel..
Foreign government short-term securities
: Impact of September 11 Palos Co. commonly invests some of its excess dollars in foreign government short-term securities in order to earn a higher short-term interest rate on its cash.
Investing funds in latin american countries
: Investing Strategy Should McNeese Co. consider investing funds in Latin American countries where it may expand facilities?
According to the article by steven spear
: According to the article by Steven Spear , if any worker can come to help another who has a problem completing the task, this is an indication that ____________
Cash invested in six european countries
: Diversified Investments Hofstra, Inc., has no European business and has cash invested in six European countries, each of which uses the euro as its local currency. Are Hofstra's short-term investments well diversified and subject to a low degree ..