Cooper weighs pounds on admission

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133625283


Cooper weighs 30 pounds on admission. He is ordered to receive the following IV medication: ceftriaxone 50 mg/kg/day divided every 12 hours. What dose would be administered every 12 hours?

Reference no: EM133625283

Questions Cloud

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How does content relate to your understanding of nutrition : How does this content relate to your understanding of nutrition? What are the best applications you gleaned from your reading/watching?
Cooper weighs pounds on admission : Cooper weighs 30 pounds on admission. He is ordered to receive the following IV medication: ceftriaxone 50 mg/kg/day divided every 12 hours.
Determine which muscle to use for lorazepam injection : How will you determine which muscle to use for the lorazepam injection? What size needle and syringe would you use?
Veterans Affairs Healthcare System : What factors affect the access and wait times for veterans to primary care appointments within the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System.
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Florence Nightingale-two pioneers in epidemiology : Classify the images or descriptions as related to John Snow or Florence Nightingale, two pioneers in epidemiology.


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