Convert them to cnf without adding variables

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM131168644

A group of medications are commonly used to treat a form of cancer, but they can be taken only in certain combinations.

A patient who takes Medications 1 and 2 must take Medication 5 as well.

Medication 1 can be taken if and only 5 is not taken. At least one of Medications 3, 4, and 5 must be taken. If 5 is taken, then 3 or 4 must be taken. If 4 is taken, then 3 or 5 must be taken. Medication 3 must be taken if both 4 and 5 are taken. Medication 3 cannot be taken without 4, and 5 cannot be taken without 1. Let xj be true when medication j is taken, and write these conditions in propositional form. Convert them to CNF without adding variables.

Reference no: EM131168644

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