Convert the pool heating system

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM131234055

1. You manage a hotel resort located on the South Beach on the Island of Kauai in Hawaii. You are shifting the focus of your resort from a traditional fun-inthe-sun destination to eco-tourism. (Eco-tourism focuses on environmental awareness and education.) How would you classify the following projects in terms of compliance, strategic, and operational?

a. Convert the pool heating system from electrical to solar power.

b. Build a 4-mile nature hiking trail.

c. Renovate the horse barn.

d. Replace the golf shop that accidentally burned down after being struck by lightning.

e. Launch a new promotional campaign with Hawaii Airlines.

f. Convert 12 adjacent acres into a wildlife preserve.

g. Update all the bathrooms in condos that are 10 years old or older.

h. Change hotel brochures to reflect eco-tourism image.

i. Test and revise disaster response plan.

j. Introduce wireless Internet service in café and lounge areas. How easy was it to classify these projects? What made some projects more difficult than others? What do you think you now know that would be useful for managing projects at the hotel?

Reference no: EM131234055

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