Convert the entity relationship diagram into tables

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13926732

Use standard notation for representing tables. Underline primary keys and italicize foreign keys.

For example:

STUDENT (Stud_ID, Surname, Forename, Matriculated, College, E-mail, Sup_ID)

SUPERVISOR (Sup_ID, Surname, Forename, Address, E-mail, Telephone)


Submit as a Microsoft Word Document in Dropbox area of D2L labeled Lab 6 submission

1. Convert the ER Diagram below to a list of tables. Be sure to identify primary keys and foreign keys.

2. Convert the ER Diagram below to a list of tables. Be sure to identify primary keys and foreign keys.

3. Convert the ER Diagram below to a list of tables. Be sure to identify primary keys and foreign keys.

4. Convert the ER Diagram below to a list of tables. Be sure to identify primary keys and foreign keys.

5. Map the following super-type, sub-type relationship to tables. Be sure to identify primary keys and foreign keys.


Reference no: EM13926732

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