Reference no: EM131144519
1. Conversational but Professional (Obj. 4) Your Task. Revise the following to make the tone conversational yet professional.
a. Pertaining to your request, the above-referenced items (printer toner and supplies) are being sent to your Oakdale office, as per your telephone conversation of April 1.
b. Kindly inform the undersigned whether or not your representative will be making a visitation in the near future.
c. It’s totally awesome that we still snagged the contract after the customer amped up his demands, but our manager pushed back.
d. BTW, dude, we’ve had some slippage in the schedule but don’t have to dump everything and start from scratch.
e. To facilitate ratification of this agreement, your negotiators urge that the membership respond in the affirmative.
f. R head honcho wz like totally raggety bkuz I wz sick n stuff n mist the team meet. Geez!
2. Positive and Courteous Expression (Obj. 4) Your Task. Revise the following statements to make them more positive.
a. Plans for the new community center cannot go forward without full community support.
b. We must withhold authorizing payment of your contractor’s fee because our superintendent claims your work was incomplete.
c. If you do not fill in all of the blanks in the application form, we cannot issue a password.
d. It is impossible for the builder to pour the concrete footings until the soil is no longer soggy.
e. Although you apparently failed to consult the mounting instructions for your Miracle Wheatgrass Extractor, we are enclosing a set of clamps to fasten the device to a table. A new set of instructions is enclosed.
f. We regret to announce that the special purchase price on iPads will be available only to the first 25 buyers.
Determine the largest vertical load p the frame
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Populate small normalized database in ms-access
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Conversational but professional
: Conversational but Professional (Obj. 4) Your Task. Revise the following to make the tone conversational yet professional. Positive and Courteous Expression (Obj. 4) Your Task. Revise the following statements to make them more positive.
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Write answer of case study questions
: What mix of interventions would you need to consider that might change enrollee behavior, provider behavior, and community policies and environments and maximize the cost-effectiveness of this plan?
Prepare journal entries for mike pay and the related payroll
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