Convention of the project framework

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM131007419

Implementation and Testing


Each student will produce, test, debug, document, and submit for assessment at least one module (class and methods) of the team's project. The coding style will be consistent with the project framework, and the documentation will include in-line structured comments according to the convention of the project framework. Students may not submit code submitted by another student.


• Source Code
• Sufficient Commenting to include:
o Module name
o Description
o Date Created
o Author
• Unit Tests
o Test plan is associated with at least one class
o Adequate set of tests associated with the use case


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Need one class(the user service) with method inline comments test plan and unit tests backend in java so java conventions

Attachment:- Use Case Packet.pdf

Verified Expert

In this assignment the focus has been with the relevance to the tic-tac toe example to properly evaluate the structure of the algorithm.

Reference no: EM131007419

Questions Cloud

Estimating the exchange rate risk : This makes you reluctant to do business with Kreploc because of exchange rate risk. The marketing department can't understand why you have any concerns at all. Prepare a brief explanation, including an illustration, of why you're concerned.
Find economies of scope : Find economies of scope. Provide examples of specific actions Harley-Davidson's managers could take to reduce expenses or share activities through horizontal relationships across brands
Define and describe globalization and its implications : 1. Broadly define and describe globalization and its implications. 2. China refuses to allow its currency, the yuan, to float on international currency exchanges.
Describe the eurodollar market : A British importer has to pay for American goods, but the exchange rate is temporarily very unfavorable from the British perspective. Describe the Eurodollar market and tell how it might help the importer.
Convention of the project framework : The coding style will be consistent with the project framework, and the documentation will include in-line structured comments according to the convention of the project framework.
Evaluate the given integrals in terms of f : We know that F(x) = 0∫xee^t dt is a continuous function by FTC1, though it is not an elementary function. The functions are not elementary either, but they can be expressed in terms of F. Evaluate the following integrals in terms of F.
Floating and a fixed exchange rate system : 1. Why might the government be interested in influencing exchange rates from time to time? How would it go about moving the exchange rate? 2. Describe the difference between a floating and a fixed exchange rate system.
Demand for foreign exchange : What generates the supply of and the demand for foreign exchange? Why do the supply and demand curves have the shape they do? What makes the supply and demand curves and hence the exchange rate move around?
Determine a suitable combination of d d and n : A metallurgist from the spring manufacturer has advised that for the size range and surface finish of the spring, fatigue strength can be represented by a line between tmax = 600, tmin = 0, and tmax = tmin = 900MPa. Determine a suitable combinatio..


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