Control systems to enhance organizational performance

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133640975


One control system model that guides managers through the process of creating the right kind of strategic control systems to enhance organizational performance is the balanced scorecard model. According to the balanced scorecard model, managers have traditionally emphasized financial measures of performance such as ROIC to gauge and evaluate organizational performance. Financial information is extremely important, but it is not enough alone. If managers are to obtain a true picture of organizational performance, financial information must be supplemented with performance measures that indicate how well an organization has been achieving the four building blocks of competitive advantage: efficiency, quality, innovation, and responsiveness to customers. In the discussion area, respond to this question: Is the balanced scorecard model still relevant today? Locate an outside source that supports your position. The source must be no more than 2 years old and have a date. Summarize the points in the article. Include a link to the article in your post.

Reference no: EM133640975

Questions Cloud

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