Reference no: EM133073875
1. Have you ever made an assumption about the causes of another person's behavior at work (e.g. poor performance) that you based your response to the person on, where the assumption turned out to be wrong? Briefly describe the situation. What was the consequence for you, for the other person, and for the organization? Have you ever been the "victim" of an incorrect assumption?
2. Have you ever made an assumption about the causes of another person's behavior at work (e.g., poor performance) that you based your response to the person on, where the assumption turned out to be wrong? Briefly describe the situation. What was the consequence for you, for the other person, and for the organization? Have you ever been the "victim" of an incorrect assumption? Tell us about it.
3. How does the control system in your organization work? Is it effective or ineffective, and why? To what extent does it contain the characteristics of control systems as we have described them in the course?
4. Evaluate your own behaviors as a manager, and/or the behaviors of the person who manages you. How effective or ineffective are you/your manager? Which of Mintzberg's managerial role behaviors do you/your manager exhibit? Which ones do you/your manager not exhibit but should? Being as honest as you can, how well or poorly are you/your manager carrying out these roles? What could you/your manager do to improve?
Future professional or academic endeavors
: Discuss how the concepts and material presented in this course can be used in your future professional or academic endeavors.
Explain common billing codes
: Explain common billing codes and discuss why errors are problematic. Why is it important to understand the different diagnostic codes within medical records?
About time when you communicated poorly
: Describe a time when you have communicated particularly well. What were the keys to success? What about a time when you communicated poorly?
Managerial and market research
: Defend why your hypothesis is better than the other alternatives. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your hypothesis and the alternatives?
Control system in your organization work
: How does the control system in your organization work? To what extent does it contain characteristics of control systems as we have described them in course?
Budget airline norwegian air announced
: In April budget airline Norwegian Air announced it would aim to establish a presence in Argentina.
Working across culture
: Make a list of the values and functions of a workplace friendship that are most important to you.
Quik trip service operations
: Examine the different types of technologies applied to QuikTrip's service operations and evaluate how the technologies strengthen the value chain.
Business ethics and the changing environment
: The five most frequent types of business misconduct are as follows: misuse of company time; abusive behavior; lying to employees; company resource abuse;