Contribute to the dynamic of diminishing returns

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Reference no: EM133577594


Marc Mauer argues that that the excessive nature of punishment in the US is not 1 based on a rational analysis of incarceration and the fundamental objectives for sentencing i policy. Why does he argue that unduly long prison sentences are counter productive for public a safety and contribute to the dynamic of "diminishing returns"? What does he mean by.

Reference no: EM133577594

Questions Cloud

What are the relevant legal and regulatory frameworks for : What are the Relevant legal and regulatory frameworks for Rio Tinto in Australia. Focus on Safeguard mechanism. And discuss other national laws related
What experiences has someone that you know in age group had : What experiences has someone that you know in this age group had? What has the impact been upon them? What laws or policy changes may address these issues?
How did the criminal justice system react : As per Krakauer, what were the circumstances of the Keely Williams rape and how did the criminal justice system react to it.
Explain the role telehealth and telemedicine services have : Explain the role telehealth and telemedicine services have in medical group practices and how they affect patient care safety and quality. Support your response
Contribute to the dynamic of diminishing returns : Why does he argue that unduly long prison sentences are counter productive for public a safety and contribute to the dynamic of "diminishing returns"?
Evaluate the growth described in healthcare management : Evaluate the growth/changes described in healthcare management. What will be the impact on the health system (both direct and non-direct) of these changes?
Describe the underlying ethical dilemma and any ambiguities : Describe the underlying ethical dilemma and any ambiguities the Court confronts. Discuss, too, the stakeholder's perspectives. Are societal interests
What are several key changes that have been instrumental : Define outpatient care. What are several key changes that have been instrumental in shifting the balance between inpatient and outpatient services?
Describe appropriate alternatives that the chro would want : Describe appropriate alternatives that the CHRO would want to consider in the event that an agreement is not reached. In other words, what is the CHRO's BATNA?


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