Contribute to rising global temperatures

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133436672


1. Which of the following is an example of a regional wind pattern?

Southeast Asia's monsoon winds

Valley winds

Katabatic winds

Sea breezes

Land breezes

2. Which of the following processes does not contribute to rising global temperatures?

Burning of forests

Permafrost melting

Destruction of rainforests

Burning of natural gas

Volcanic eruptions

3. Which of the following statements about the atmosphere is not true?

The ozone layer is part of the stratosphere

In the stratosphere, air temperature decreases at the normal lapse rate (about 6.4°C per 1,000 meters of altitude.)

Thunderstorms and tropical cyclones occur only in the troposphere

The percentage of nitrogen in the atmosphere is the same in the troposphere as it is in the stratosphere

The altitude of the tropopause is higher at the equator than it is at the poles

4. Which of the following statements about climate change is not true?

Melting of arctic permafrost contributes to climate change

Global average temperatures have risen more than 2°C since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution

The ice-albedo feedback loop contributes to an increase in average global temperatures.

Increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have been the main cause of climate change over the past century.

Human activity has produced more carbon dioxide in the past 30 years than in the rest of human history.

Reference no: EM133436672

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