Contribute to communities and epistemologies

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Reference no: EM133324018


1. How does CONFUCIANISM speak to the ways humanity has used myth and the divine to explain the natural world?

2. How does CONFUCIANISM inform beliefs and practices that contribute to communities and epistemologies?

3. How does CONFUCIANISM help us understand how religion informs historical and contemporary problems and solutions?

Reference no: EM133324018

Questions Cloud

Define theology and explain theological method : Define theology and explain the theological method. What is distinctive and essential to this discipline?
Physical characteristics : What are the two physical characteristics that a mammal must possess in order to be considered 'kosher' to eat?
Theories of religion-culture and american politics : Which thesis or combinations of theses in "Theories of Religion, Culture, and American Politics" do you find most useful for understanding religion and politics
Sacrosanctum concilium means : Discuss what paragraph 10 of Sacrosanctum Concilium means, why it is so important, and what implications come from it.
Contribute to communities and epistemologies : How does CONFUCIANISM inform beliefs and practices that contribute to communities and epistemologies?
Westerners are drawn to buddhist worldviews : Westerners are drawn to Buddhist worldviews because of how much peace and harmony they provide.
Traces our society secular developments : Traces our society's secular developments through history, pointing to secularism's strengths and weaknesses in the modern world.
Our society secular developments through history : Our society's secular developments through history, pointing to secularism's strengths and weaknesses in the modern world.
World church or world christianity : What situations, events or media have made you aware of a "world Church" or "world Christianity"?


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