Contrast the various factors that influence rate

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133418023

Objectives- To understand the process of diffusion. To contrast the various factors that influence rate of diffusion

Background- Plasma membranes must allow certain substances to enter and leave a cell, while preventing harmful material from entering and essential material from leaving. In other words, plasma membranes are selectively permeable-they allow some substances through but not others. The most direct forms of membrane transport are passive. Passive transport is a naturally occurring phenomenon and does not require the cell to expend energy to accomplish the movement. In passive transport, substances move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration in a process called diffusion.



To begin the simulation set the number of blue particles to 20. Keep the red particles at zero
Keep the default mass, radius and temperature at 28, 125 and 300 respectively.
Click the stopwatch and plus sign on the data box. This will allow you to observe how long it takes for equilibrium across the membrane to be reached.
To begin the simulation, remove the divider and start the stopwatch.
Stop the stopwatch when both sides of the membrane contain an equal number of particles and record the time.

Reference no: EM133418023

Questions Cloud

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Contrast the various factors that influence rate : To contrast the various factors that influence rate of diffusion - substances move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration
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