Contrast the service and tools provided by the research firm

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Reference no: EM131544654

Using your favorite search engine, locate the websites for two research firms. Conduct a review of the services offered by these two different research firms.

What types of tools do they use, and how effective are those tools? Then, write an essay responding to the following questions/topics, evaluating each research firm's capability of providing valuable services to its customers.

1. Contrast the services and tools provided by the two research firms.

2. Explain the advantages of utilizing these research firms.

3. Discuss why a company might decide to save the money and utilize its in-house team as opposed to one of these firms.

4. Explain how the tools discussed in the lecture might enable more companies to complete their research internally.

Your APA-formatted submission must be a minimum of three pages (not including the title page and the reference page).

References must include the two websites and a minimum of one additional credible reference.

All sources used must be referenced. Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Reference no: EM131544654

Questions Cloud

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Contrast the service and tools provided by the research firm : Contrast the services and tools provided by the two research firms.Explain the advantages of utilizing these research firms.
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